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Monday 9 September 2013

60 Second Interview With John Drake

You find myself and my photographic colleague Number One-One-Three out in the field. Why are we in the field? We are looking to get an interview with John Drake, and hope we do not blow his cover in the process! We actually caught up with drake in the Pavilion at tea.

     No.113: “Just a minute, you're not John Drake!”
    John Drake: “Well who did you imagine me to be.”
    No.113b “Smile” {click goes the camera}
    No.113: “Well, someone completely different really.”
    J.D: “well let me tell you, I’m John Drake the fasted spin blower in County cricket. Now you asked me for an interview, so are we going to do this interview or not? Tea will be over in a couple of minutes!”
    “Well I suppose so, after all we're here now. You were with NATO Security before you went to work for M9. How did that transfer come about?”
      “NATO, M9, I don’t know about hat. But I was a member of the R.S.C. But now I’m a member of the M.C.C?”
    “You play cricket.”
     “I'm a fast spin bowler, but I do a bit of batting as well, usually about six of seven in the batting order.”
     “You certainly bowled Colonel Hawk-Englishe a googly. Did you know about the exploding cricket balls?”
     “No, not until they went off. All I was asked to do was come and play a game of cricket.”
     “I bet that came as a bit of a shock.”
    “Of course I was bloody surprised. The Colonel was blown to bits!”
    “But you went through it all again for a second time.”
    “Yes, but no one was killed that time!”
    “Don't you mean murdered, and that was only averted because of the batsman's quick thinking!”
    “He must have known what was coming.”
    “And you didn't?”
    “No. Look what are you implying?”
    “You didn't know who the girl was?”
    “What girl?”
    “There was a strange looking chap in big bushy whickers and sideburn. But I don’t know who he was. But if it hadn’t been for his quick thinking!”
    “What happened to him?”
    “Well after the explosion he went running off, completely spoiled our game. I say, do you play cricket?”
    “Look, me and my photographic colleague…………..”
    “Smile!” {click goes the camera}
    “To interview John Drake!”
    “That’s it. Tea’s over.”
    And so was the interview, and John Drake with the rest of the Cricketers Arms eleven to find 211 in 13 overs!



  1. Occasionally I wondered what Michael Palin was doing in this episode. But no, it isn't him. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      I thought Michael Palin? But then, yes I see what you mean. But no it isn't, his name really is John Drake! So John Drake is in 'the Prisoner' after all!

      Very kind regards
