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Saturday 7 September 2013

Caught On Camera!

    This photograph was taken during the week spent in the embryo room. The one to one session between No.6 and No.2. No.6 who had been regressed back to his childhood by No.2 and the Supervisor-No.26, that's the reason he was wearing his school piped blazer and straw boater.
    However the picture seems to have been taken at a time of ceased, deliberations shall we say, between No.2 and No.6, who is seen to be fast asleep in the chair. Certainly this shot does not appear in the episode ‘Once Upon A Time.’ McGoohan who during the production of the Prisoner was hands-on with every aspect of the production. Who was not eating properly, or sleeping, playing squash until 5 in the morning then going off to start work. He was drinking hard to keep himself going, and obviously, finally, it all caught up with him, and he succumbed to sleep at long last, even though it was on set!

Be seeing you

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