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Wednesday 4 September 2013

The Therapy Zone

New Allegiances
   The Butler seemed to realise which side his bread was buttered back in that embryo room of ‘Once Upon A Time.’ "He thinks you're the boss" No.2 tells No.6 after they had changed places "No.1's the boss" No.6 responded.
   And in the cavern of ‘Fall Out,’ the Butler stood by his new masters side as he sat upon the throne. "And you my little friend" No.2 greets the Butler "Ever faithful, come one, come on" he beckons. But the Butler makes no move to follow. "New allegiances" says No.2 "Such is the price of fame and failure. Dear me how sad."
   So the Butler was certainly no fool, he could see what was happening during the time in the embryo room. He saw his old master as being a spent force, a beaten man, and that Sir, as he had become known by this time, was a better man to ally himself with. And he didn't question this, he followed without question, possibly blindly which is the way it appears to the viewer. Because who can say what was in the mind of the Butler to make him change his allegiances, to aid his new master in the revolution, to get behind the wheel of that Scammell Highwayman transporter and drive his confederates to freedom. To return to London, to serve his new master by packing two suitcases for him, and then to leave No.1 Buckingham Place, Westminster before his master returned!
   Such is the price of fame and failure, that even new allegiances last no longer than they are necessary. As the Prisoner returned home after handing in his resignation found, that the Butler had gone! Well who did you think packed those two suitcases, and laid out the Prisoner’s passport and airline ticket?

A B &....And Engadine Makes C!
    It was during 'C' of ‘A B and C’ that the Prisoner was handed a key by the roulette croupier in exchange for his bet of a diamond ring. It so happened that Engadine also had an identical key!
    "It can't be" No.2 gasped in astonishment. "She can't be 'C." "She's fooled us for years, but no longer!"
   "You're binging her to the Village?" the doctor-No.14 asks.
   "Yes" No.2 replies eagerly.
   However in No.6's dream even Engadine works for someone else, a man of mystery who will know him, and who likes impressive offices! The doctor commented that No.2 will have to call him 'D'. However as it turned out, this man of mystery is no other than No.2 himself.......'C'! Or is it “see?” It all depends I suppose on the emphasis of the word, they do sound alike!
   But this is only No.6 manipulating his own dream, and so if No.2 isn't 'C', who is? Well the answer to that one is blatantly obvious and can be deduced from the description read out by No.2...... Known to be French. Known to have attended Engadine's parties, probably disguised. Well Madam Engadine is French, she attended her own parties, not too sure about the probably disguised bit though. Unless of course it is Engadines celebrity status together with her celebrated parties that is the disguise!

Our Friend the Diminutive Butler
   He has always demonstrated an unquestioning loyalty both to the village, as well as each and every new No.2 to come along and take up office, and residence in the village.
    But yet, as the Butler bows to Sir who sits in the chair of honour, or the throne if you prefer. Is the Butler showing the first sign of descent, in demonstrating his allegiance to Sir, the former No.6. Or is it simply a case of the Butler knowing on which side his bread is buttered? Just a thought.

Be seeing you

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