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Tuesday 10 September 2013

What's That No.6 up to?

    No.2 made the comment from No.6’s file that at the age of 15 top of his class in woodwork. Well No.6 may not have made a handle for the doors of No.2’s office, so what's he up to now? One observer had the idea that No.6 might have developed into some kind of Peeping-Tom, but this was dismissed when the Supervisor suggested that it might be some sort of measuring device, but what might he be measuring and how far away is it?
    After No.6 was observed taking this sighting, he was observed writing something down on a piece of paper. We couldn't see what it was at the time, but having collected the pieces of the device, which No.6 had later dumped in the woods, the technical department put it all back together, revealing that it was in fact a Triquetrum, an early astrological measuring device, not that accurate, but not too bad. I’m astonished by No.6’s classical education, not many people would have been aware of this ancient Greek instrument, let alone be able to construct one without a plan or drawing of the idevice!

Be seeing you

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