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Wednesday 27 June 2018

Quote For The Day

    “Its alright for you, I’m the one who will have to pay for this failure.”
                                                  {Number 2 - Living Harmony}
    Number 8’s {oh its that number again!} technique was good, it was as if Number 6 was living an early form of virtual reality game. The trouble was so were Number 2, 8, and 22, and in some shape or form they all allowed themselves to get involved, to do what they would really have done. And each suffered from a distinct lack of self-control. So the attempt to break Number 6 in his mind, put him in a dangerous environment, give him love, take it away, isolate him, make him kill, then face him with death. He’ll crack, break him even in his mind, and the rest will be easy. But it wasn’t easy, and what’s more it didn’t work, and for that Number 2 would have to carry the can. He’ll take the blame, and eventually pay for the failure, but in what way? Will he simply be forced to leave The Village? That doesn’t sound so bad, unless of course he will be forced to remain in The Village but as a prisoner! Maybe he fears the worst, that he will have to forfeit his life for the failure, to be put up against a wall and shot. Of course there’s always forced suicide, or confrontation with the Guardian. Who can say what fate befalls a failed Number 2. Perhaps at the end of the day all Number 2’s are afraid of his or her masters, afraid of failure. There have certainly been more than one or two of them about, from time to time!

Be seeing you

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