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Thursday 2 June 2011

A Symbolic Image

    This image which appears at the end of the Prisoner episode Arrival, has always struck me as being quite deliberate. The sign Residents Only is one at Portmeirion, denoting that the hotel lawn is for, well residents only, and that day visitors to Pormeirion are not allowed past the sign. Yet it was used quite deliberately in Arrival, indicating perhaps that the Village is for Residents only. It cannot be that the lawn of the Old People's Home is for residents only, because every Tom, Dick, or Harry uses the lawn of the Old People's Home, to have either tea or coffee, to be served by waiters!
   The Butler stands over this sign, with a superior expression on his face, he together with the sign seems to me as being symbolic, yet any substantial significance has always eluded me. I feel the Butler is making a point, but that too has always eluded me.    BCNU

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