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Saturday 7 July 2012

The Therapy Zone

The Prisoner Versus The General
WHY? To which the General self destructs, a bit over the top I have to admit, as no computer would self-destruct in the way the General did. Asked a question the General cannot answer, not having been programmed with the basic facts, the computer would simply not respond at all. Or on the other hand things like "does not compute" or "why not?" would have been something of an anti-climax to the episode.
Also was ‘the General’ supposed to have been "Man versus machine?" fans of ‘the Prisoner’ have gone to great pains to try and put an answer to the question WHY? To date no-one has successfully done so, and that includes me, but then I never did spend too much time on imponderables!
Patrick McGoohan's The Prisoner
   He wanted the Prisoner to be a family series, one which his daughters could watch. Hence the lack of Pat McGoohan's romantic involvement in either ‘Danger Man’ or ‘the Prisoner,’ why he would not kiss Nadia Gray in the romantic night-time scene during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ when No.6 and Nadia looked to be getting close to each other. He didn't want sex to be part of the Prisoner, yet McGoohan didn't seem to be so choosey when it came to violence or the use of drugs in the series!
  McGoohan didn't want television viewers seeing sex or romance in his series Prisoner, but he didn't mind someone being beaten up, mostly No.6, or No.6 seen to be doing the beating up. Or to show the use of drugs on village inmates, or to suggest human experimentation, not so squeamish about those topics, was he?

The Parady Of McGoohan's Message
    Apparently the rest of us are all villagers to McGoohan's No.1! He, Patrick McGoohan may not have been enthralled, be we were and still are to this day. He got us wearing piped blazers, colourful striped capes, deck shoes and other village attire, as well as carrying golfing umbrellas of differing colours! We worshipped at his shrine - the village, and you wonder who No.1 is? No.6 - Pat McGoohan. Didn't you really get his message?

Be seeing you

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