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Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Therapy Zone

The Prisoner A Rebel?
   Surely not! In the everyday world far apart from the village, the Prisoner known as No.6 was as No.2, a confirmed member of the establishment. He was utterly loyal, and showed great enthusiasm for his work. This is certainly not the mark of a rebel, all he did was to resign, and if someone can't chuck up a job things have come to a pretty pass. The only trouble was, the Prisoner wasn't in the kind of job you can simply walk out of, or resign from, there would be consequences to pay, and we know what that was..... his abduction to the village!
   No, all the Prisoner did was to resign his job, he did not become a rebel until he woke up one morning in the village, and who wouldn't rebel, resist, and reject the village in the same way as No.6, and those of his ilk? Mind you, having said that, how many would resist for such a time before they gave in and gave them what they were after? Who would be of such sterner stuff as not to be turned by the village, as in the case of Cobb, or of No.2 who resisted for so short a time?
   I have known people in society who write of rebellion, but when push came to shove bent so much in the wind so as not to break, and they were found to be wanting. People who write of rebellion on paper, I have found not to have such compunctions when it comes to actual rebellion, and speaking out against something they know to be wrong. Such people are not of the stuff that No.6 is made of.

A Curious Thing To Say
    When No.12, or is it 6 joins No.2 for breakfast in the Green Dome in ‘The Schizoid Man’ No.2 greets his visitor "My dear chap delighted to see you. You’re looking fine, you really are...... I don't mind telling you, we had to pull every string in order to seconded back to us."
   "Back to us?" Now what could No.2 possibly mean by that?   You must remember that for all tense and purposes No.6 is supposed to be Curtis, and No.2 is supposed to be speaking to Curtis, so has Curtis been to the village before the episode of .The Schizoid Man?.

This Session Is Called In A Matter Of Democratic Crisis
   Those are the words of the President as he first address the delegates of the Assembly. But what I want to know is this, what democratic crisis? When did this "democratic crisis" first make itself evident, in a village that has no democracy? Did we all miss something whilst watching No.'s 2 and 6 at their deliberations of ‘Once Upon A Time?’
    The President went on to say "The community is at stake..... and we have the means to protect it." Again when was the community put at stake? It seems to me that while No.2, the Butler, and No.6 were locked in that embryo room during  ‘Once Upon A Time,’ a great crisis had been happening in the village, and at a time when the Supervisor-No.28 was effectively the new No.2 for the week. So is No.28 guilty for the breakdown of control over the village, its community and citizens as a whole?

Be seeing you

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