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Thursday 21 April 2016

The Prisoner At Fifty!

    Getting on for close to 50 years after the event, if you don’t choose to include the production of the series which began in 1966, and there is much we still do not know or ever understand or know the answer to. For example, was there a drug administered at night in the water which Number 6 drank in ‘A B and C?’ Where did the figure of a man up in the Bell Tower in ‘Arrival’ disappear to? And again in ‘Arrival,’ why didn’t the Prisoner encounter the maid as he rushed round to the door of his cottage? And when faced with his double in ‘The Schizoid Man,’ why didn’t the Polaroid picture of Number 6, produced by Curtis, disprove his identity as Number 6? How did Number 6 know that it wasn’t the Professor lying in that bed, when he brought the walking stick down on the head lying on the pillow? Were the two gun runners in ‘Many Happy Returns’ simply that? That’s a debate which still runs today. The doctor in ‘Arrival’ said they had burned the Prisoner’s clothes, and yet once a bald-head patient was seen wearing those cloths in the hospital. And again the Prisoner’s own suit of clothes were specially delivered to him for the occasion of Carnival in ’Dance of The Dead.’ It was suggested by the Prisoner, that it was because he’s still himself. Can the same be said of Number 48 in ‘Fall Out,’ seeing as he’s there wearing his own suit of clothes?
   While in ‘Checkmate,’ why Number 6 is the only one of the escapees returned to the chessboard? As we do not see Number8, Number 14 the chess champion, or Number 19, or is it 56, the shopkeeper again! And in both ‘A B and C‘ and ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ why it is that these two Number 2’s {Colin Gordon and Patrick Cargill} are the only two forced to endure that extraordinary, ridiculously oversized, curved, red telephone?!

Be seeing you

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