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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Points of Note

    Why? Well ask your computer, bet it doesn't blow up, mine didn’t, nor does it want its own trade union! As suggested by No.2 during Its Your Funeral when No.2 asked;
  "What are the percentages of right and wrong!"
  "I'm afraid we don't know that" No.8 replied
  "Why not?"
  "Twice we programmed our machines for a percentile appraisals of their own efficiencies. Each time they refused to give back the requested information."
   "Refused?" How?" asked a stupefied No.2
   "Simply by not returning the data to us!"
    Temperamental these machines apparently! So just when did the Professor and his wife arrive in the village? I only ask because I believe that the Professors wife new No.2 of The Chimes of Big Ben. Well there's a bust of that particular No.2 in the drawing room of the Professors house! I only mention it, because such a bust, and others like it, appeared in the exhibition of "Arts & Crafts."
   Much of the pottery, cups and saucers, salt and pepper pots used in the Prisoner are actually Portmeirion pottery called Penny Plain.
    A curious turn of phrase that “So to the outside world he’ll be dead,” a small confirmation of a known fact,
as Number 6 tells Number 2 during 'Dance of the Dead.' 
Well Number 6 was abducted by two Undertakers and in so being would have been carried out of his house
inside a coffin. Anyone seeing this would naturally assume, wrongly so in this case, that someone had died and
if they knew the man who live at No1 Buckingham Place, they would assume he was now deceased.
   But then this would have made no sense when the prisoner again returned to London in ‘Do Not Forsake
Me Oh My Darling’ but in the guise of the Colonel, he met with his fiancé Janet Portland and she didn’t think
him to be dead, because when she saw his Lotus Seven parked outside his house and went calling she assumed that he was back. Nor for that matter did her father Sir Charles Portland, otherwise he might have put his daughter
out of her misery!
   Number 6 is befriended by the village cat, and in his cottage he gives the cat a saucer of cream. The maid
tells number 6 that he is not allowed animals, it’s a rule! Rules, apparently, to which Number 6 sees himself as
not being not subject. It would seem that Number 6 thinks very highly of himself!

Be seeing you

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