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Sunday 2 February 2014

60 Second Interview With The Shopkeeper

    No.19 "And what can I do for you gentlemen?"
    "I am No.113, and this is my photographic colleague Number 113b."
    "Smile" {click goes the camera}.
    "Have you come to look at my books?"
    "No, should we?"
    "No, not at all gentlemen. It's just that they've never been looked at before."
    "Oh we see."
    "Well it's not easy balancing the books you know, not when everything is bought on credit. A broom costs 4 work units, how much is that in real money?"
    "We really couldn't say, could we one-one-three b?"
    "No, I've no idea."
    "There you are gentlemen. Now what can I do for you?"
    "Just a minute, when you were over there you were Number Nineteen, but now you're Number Fifty-six!"
    "Ah! Well you see he's my twin."
    "Who is?"
    "I am."
    "But you're the only shop keeper in the shop."
    "Precisely. Now gentlemen, what can I get you?"
    "Oh give me a bag of pear drops."
    "Certainly sir...............that will be three work units if you please."
    "How much is that in real money?"
    "Oh give me sixpence and we'll call it quits!"

  Reporter No.113
  Photographer No.113b

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