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Tuesday 4 February 2014

60 Second Interview With The Shopkeeper

  No.112 "And what can I do for you gentlemen?"
  No.113 "Where is the shopkeeper?"
  "I'm the shopkeeper."
  No.113b "Smile" {click goes the camera}
  "Oh, you mean Number nineteen."
  "Fifty-six surely."
  "Who's that sir?"
  "He said he had a twin."
  "When did he say that sir?"
  "Only the other day. He seemed to think we had come to look at his books!"
  "Well I only wish you had sir. Because someone certainly should have done, they were in a terrible state!"
  "So tell us shopkeer, what happened to Fifty-six?"
  "Don't you mean Nineteen sir?"
  "Do I? Yes I suppose I do."
  "Either way, I couldn't say sir."
  "Why couldn't you say?"
  "Because I don't know!"
  "Didn't he become embroiled with No.6 and the Rook?"
  "I couldn't say sir. All I know is the lease was up on the shop and I took it on."
  "I see you've widened your range of goods. Records, cameras, and cuckoo clocks!"
  "Yes sir, they're special imports. But the cuckoo clocks are not selling well. Can I interest either one of you gentlemen in a cuckoo clock?"
  "Not really."
  No.113 "I'll take three penny worth of Black Cat chews."
  "And you sir?"
  "I'll take twenty Number Six."
  "Are you trying to be funny sir?"
  "We only well Village cigarettes."
  "You don't have any cigarettes on display!"
  "That's in accordance with the new rules. Cigarettes are no longer to be on display for children to see."
  "There are no children in the Village!"
  "Be that as it may sir. Also cigarettes now have to be sold in plain packaging, and from under the counter!"
  "Pornographic are they?"
  "No sir, they're filter tipped!"

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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