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Thursday 6 February 2014

The Throne At Last!

    I don't think the former No.6 came away from his long ordeal too badly off, in fact I think he did rather well. His house had been purchased for him by perhaps some governmental department, and was being made ready for him. His car washed and valeted, in fact it appears that it was half expeted that the former No.6 would decide not to lead the Village, but to go. Unless of course 1 Buckingham Place is No.1's town house!
    Then there are the gifts of the key to his house, a passport valid for anywhere, travellers cheques worth one million pounds, oh yes, and a leather purse of petty cash. I thought this as a possible pay-off, for all the former No.6 had been put through. And yet it was suggested by a good friend of mine, Arno, that in fact the former No.6 has a case against those who had incarcerated him, given that it was his own side who had done this, experimented on him. Conditioned, interrogated, used experimental drugs on him, tortured, suggesting that he would have a case to bring a lawsuit against those who had done this to him, in fact to sue the British governemnt! In fact the house, passport, and one million in travellers cheques could be deemed to be compensation, even a bribe to keep the former No.6 quiet! After all they had infringed his human rights, taken away his identity, and reduced him to nothing more than a number! It is thought that the former No.6 has an excellent case against the British government. But back then it was not at all easy to get retribution from the British government, or society. If the former No.6 had brought a case, the British government would simply deny any existance of the Village.
   And yet there is another side to this, No.6 caused a great deal of trouble while he was in the Village, at one point he caused the destruction of government property, namely one super computer! He brought about the mental breakdown of a British operative - No.2! Although at one point he did stop the mass destruction of London, and yet he sabotaged a British rocket, causing the mass evacuation of the Village, which in itself could be considered as an act of sedition. And for that he could be thrown in prison! If I were the former No.6, I'd take the bribe, compensation, pay-off call it what you will, and run!

Be seeing you


  1. >>Good morning, No. Six. (...) Your mission, No. Six, should you decide to accept it, is to (...). As always, should you be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim.<<

    "Caught" - Wasn't it like this that you meant? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      I hadn't envisaged it quite in those terms. But now I read it, yes, I suppose I did. Clever.

      Very best regards

  2. Err, not "Jim", of course. No names, please!

    1. Hello Arno,
      If Jim Phelps, oops no names are used here! Had he been abducted to the Village, he'd probably make it look as though he'd escaped, when in fact he hadn't!

      Very kind regards
