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Monday 31 December 2012


    No blog will be posted tomorrow, because as it's New Years Day, I'm giving myself the day off. However I will be back on Wednesday. In the meantime I wish all my readers a very
                             Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Be seeing you in 2013


  1. Hello David,

    I wish you a Happy and Successful New Year and a restful,well deserved day off tomorrow.
    Thank you for the excellent blog which is always a pleasure to read and I am sure I speak for all your readers when I say this.



    1. Hello Anna,

      I hope the New Year has got off to a good start. And thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated.
      I shall be replying to your email soon.

      Be seeing you

  2. Dear David,
    I agree with Anna, your blog is wonderful !
    I received your film, Village Day, and watched it. It's very good. It make me think of Arrival, A B C, The General (because of Number Six's statue).
    I'll transfer it into DVD and bring it to Portmeirion. My five friends and I, will watch it again with pleasure. You are a great Number Six!
    Thank you very mutch for the beautiful calendar and Christmas Card. I printed them and I give them to a friend of mine wich is a great fan of The Prisoner. I printed them for me too.
    I wish you a Happy New Year!

    Very Best Wishes


    1. Hello Christine,

      I hope the New Year began well for you. Like Anna's your kind words are very much appreciated. I am pleased you like my film. The statue was specially commissioned for the film, and is based on the one of No.6 in 'the General.' As for being a great Number 6, I thank you for the compliment.

      When you take the film to Portmeirion to watch with your five friends, may I ask will that be at 'the Prisoner' Convention in March? I only ask, because 'Vaillage Day' has never been screened at a Convention for members to watch in the Hercules Hall.

      Yes, the 2013 Prisoner calendar has proved to be very popular, I hope your friend likes it.

      Very best wishes
      Be seeing you

  3. Dear David,
    Thank you for your kind message and the information about your film. I hope too the New Year began well for you.

    You're right, I will go to "the Prisoner" Convention. It's my second time. But I'll bring "Village Day" only for my five friends (if I succeed in getting it onto DVD).

    My friends and I, will have a little party for Patrick Mc Goohan's birthday on the tuesday 19 March in their cottage at Portmeirion. Janet will bring some films of Patrick Mc Goohan. I'll bring Village Day.

    I found your film thanks to Janet. I said her that I wanted to buy "Village Day". She found it on Ebay and help me to buy it because I couldn't reach the sale from France.

    But you said me that your film has never been screened at a Convention for members. I don't understand why. I bet they would like it. It's a pity!

    My friend likes your Prisoner calendar. So am I!

    Very Best Wishes
    Bonjour chez vous

    1. Dear Christine,

      As it happens 2013 left me with a very nasty cold, which went to my chest, and so I'm coughing a good deal of the time. But other than that it's a decent start to 2013, at least it's not raining here now.

      Yes, I thought it might be 'the Prisoner' Convention you were going to. Morag and I used to attend the Conventions, our last being in 2001, but we also left 6of1 that same year.

      It's nice to see 'Village Day' having a slight renaissnace period, seeing as how it's being shown privately at the Convention. I'm delighted to hear it. I hope you manage to transfer it onto DVD.
      I am very proud of the film, it was produced on a shoestring budget, and although the film does have it's faults, it is still very much enjoyable to watch. I have been meaning, these past few years, to produce a directors cut of 'Village Day,' but I never seem to have the spare time in which to do it.
      What I might do it post some documented information about the film, how the idea for the film came about, why etc, etc. Perhaps my readers would be interested to know.

      I do know why 'Village Day' has never been shown at a 'Prisoner' Convention, but it's far too public to post that here. And in any case, a great deal of water has passed under the bridge since then. But I will say this, the film was to have been screened at a Convention a few years back. I was invited along as a guest to talk about the film's production. But then the film was dropped from the Convention programme. I was told that there was suddenly no time to show the film, and so no need for me to attend the Convention. But then I was told privately the real reason..........

      Very best wishes
      Bonjour chez vous

  4. Dear David,

    I'm sorry you have a nasty cold. I wish you a speedy recovery. You should take care of that cough.

    I would be glad if you post information about Village Day. I would be very interested. But I am shoked by what you told me about what happened to your film. The behaviour of 6o1 team towards you and their members is unforgivable! They think they are the Village Authority aren't they?

    I joined The Society because I wanted to meet people who share my passion for The Prisoner. In france we no longer have such a Society.

    I like the Convention, parade, human chessgame, coloured costumes etc... and Portmeirion. I think I am a villager when I am in the Convention (hihi!). I met up with some people very sympathical. Some of them became friends of mine like Janet.

    But I don't know what to think about 6o1. I mistrust them. I think they are more interested in the money their simple members send them by their members themselves...

    Take care

    1. Dear Christine,

      My cold is much improved now, and my cough is broken {getting better} thank you.

      Yes, I've decided to post information about 'Village Day, as there is much to tell, like how the theme music and incidental music for the film came about. And of course the film is the first since the original series of 'the Prisoner' to have a full-size Green Dome interior.

      That is a pity about the lack of a French society. Because in the past there was a very active French society. They used to produce a magazine 'Le Rodeur.' The society was run by Patrick Ducher, and my good friend Luis Alonso used to be the photographer for the magazine.

      I read in your comment that you like to think of yourself as a Villager when you at the Convention. I used to think myself as No.6, and was proud to have played the character many times in re-enactments. My wife Morag and I have many happy memories of 'the Prisoner' Conventions, of the friends we made. But things do run their course, and finally I became disillusioned with the society and the way it was being run. It seemed not for the good of the membership.

      Someone asked me a few months ago if I could recommend joining the society. Hand on heart I emailed the guy and said no, I could not recommend Six of One. But of course no-one should take my word for it, people have to find out for themselves.
      You see I was a proud and active member of the society for 15 years, and made many good friends. So I am able to compare Six of One to what the society was in the 1980's and 90's {which were the hey-day of the society having between 2,000-3,000 members} to what it has become today, a pale shadow of it's former self. Yet anyone who joins Six of One today, has nothing to compare it with, and so it's all new and exciting, which I suppose it is.
      If you wish to talk more you can email me if you choose.

      Very kind regards
