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Sunday 9 December 2012

60 Second Interview With A Shopkeeper

Ting-a-ling sounds the shop bell.
No.113 "Do you know how long we've been standing here waiting for you to open this emporium?"
Shopkeeper-No.12 "I'm sorry gentlemen, but I was unexpectedly delayed."
No.113b "Smile" {click goes the camera}
"Where were you?"
"With No.2. Now gentlemen, what can I get you?
No.113 "Oh we don't want to buy anything."
No.113b "No, we don't want to buy anything."
"Then what can I do for you gentlemen?"
"I am Number one hundred and thirteen, and this is my photographic colleague Number one hundred and thirteen b, we contribute to The Tally Ho you know."
"Yes I know."
"Can I ask you what you were doing with Number Two?"
"Yes, you can ask."
"Well what sir?"
"What were you doing with Number Two?"
"I think that's our business, don't you sir?"
"Our readers will be interested to know."
"You seem to be particularly keen to know at any rate sir."
"Yes, well I saw you carrying those records...."
"I was listening to them if you must know."
"What all of them?"
"Yes sir."
"How many records are there?"
"Six sir, and they're all the same."
"How do you know?"
"Because Number Two and I listened to them."
"That must have taken the best part of the morning."
"It did sir."
"Leaving the General Store unattended."
"I locked the door sir."
"Yes, and leaving customers standing on the doorstep!"
"What customers are those sir?"
"Us, we're customers!"
"But you don't want to buy anything sir."
"That's......that's not the point."
"What is the point sir?"
"Oh never mind. We'll be seeing you."
"And you gentlemen."
Ting-a-ling sounds the shop bell.
{At this point the shopkeeper picks up the receiver of the telephone}
"Get me Number Two, quickly..........."

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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