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Wednesday 5 December 2012

John Drake's Gadget of the Week

    Having infiltrated Coloney 3 in the guise of Robert Fuller, Drake gets to work in the Citizens Advice Bureau. He has installed a micro camera hidden in his cigarette lighter, into his type writer, and everytime he hits a certain key, the camera takes a picture, as seen below.
   The films for the micro camera are hidden in special pencils, which went undetected in any search made by the authorities behind Colony Three. That is if any such search was made in the first place, because Donavon places trust in the citizens of Colony 3 who arrive there of their own free will. Oh well, least this way Drake hasn't got to light a cigarette everytime he wants to take a picture!

I'm obliged.


  1. I don't remember the details all too well. But I wonder what Drake should be doing with that series of photos which are more or less portraits of one and the same person. He should have had a recording device for moving images. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Drake took the portrait photographs of all the agents who were being trained up, and who would eventually turn up in Britain.

      A recording device for moving images......what would Drake have made of the mobile phone with all of it's gadgets, including a video camera!

