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Thursday 6 December 2012

Pictorial PRIS6NER

Towards the end of the series, there comes a link between 313 and M2 {two's wife}. The hairstyle is the same, as is the hair colour, together with the same make-up!

   What's more they both have experience of the same fate, for which they voluntered, as 313 soon discovers what that fate means.
  As for Six, he has a new look, he's now dressed in a crisp clean linen suite. This indicates that Six has come into himself, he is the new Two, and so dresses like Two. He is finally at peace with himself. But the same cannot be said of 313, drugged, sedated to the eyeballs, she quietly sheds a tear, as Two looks on over the sand dunes, thinking that he can find a better way, to build a better Village, and he thinks he has to at least try. But I think 313 might have something to say about that,seeing as it is she who will have to dream the Village. And in that I don't think Two has accounted for the problems people take to the Village with them......even in the Village 313 still suffers from the mental and physical abuse she suffered as a young girl! That in itself must surely have an effect on the Village Two wants to make better!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,

    this is an intriguing point. At last it is 313 who has to dream up the village and who is the one who suffers most to do so. And at the picture she looks as if she was aware of that. Therefore I find that in a way she is more like Number 6 than 6 is.

    And I wonder if 2 knew what he was doing and was aware of the problems? If so, wasn't it very, very cynical to choose her as the new M2? And why did he spend so much time in showing her the dark side of the village and his rather cynical view on life (drug-induced love, manipulation, threat of 6 life and so on)? Only to proof that he was the wrong one to run it all? Or to warn her? Or was it an act of cruelty as well?

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Jana,

      That is an interesting thought regarding 313. I would have felt sorry for her, had it not been for the fact that 313 didn't want to leave the Village and go back to the "other place," back to Sarah! But she sheds a tear for what she has become, for what is to come.

      Oh I'm sure Two knew exactly what he was doing by choosing 313 as the new M2. But at the same time I don't think he had much choice in the matter, because remember 313 is in love with Six, if that love was not manufactured! Perhaps by showing 313 the dark side of the Village he was showing her that things could be made better. And don't forget 313 is a doctor very much in the guise of the doctor-No.14 in 'A B and C,' in the way that she performs an experiment because she must!
      To warn her? Perhaps. An act of cruelty? Yes, Two is indeed a very cruel man. There is a very dark side to his nature, for a man who brings broken people to the Village in order to make them better!

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you
