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Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Therapy Zone

   There is a piece of dialogue in the original script of Hammer Into Anvil which takes place as No.6 takes a large white envelope which he has hidden under the bed sheet, and hides it under his blazer.
   No.6 enters the lounge and goes over to the window. The street is dark and deserted, a voice over the loudspeaker announces   "It is quarter to midnight. Curfew in fifteen minutes. Repeat - curfew in fifteen minutes."
   Well that's a bit of an eye opener, as I always thought curfew time as eight o'clock. But in any case this piece of dialogue never made it into the completed episode.
    We all have something in common, we all want to be No.1. We all have to look after No.1, because if we don't then no-one else will. So who is No.1 in ‘the Prisoner?’ Patrick McGoohan, because as far as the series goes, his word was god!
   We all have our own particular village, the village of the mind in which we are all Prisoners, and if we pick up that oversized red telephone and ask to speak to No.1, we shall, each and everyone of us, hear our own voice speaking back to us, that would be something wouldn't it?
    What kind of Village we all live in all depends on how hard we are on ourselves, self persecution if you like. We all love ourselves, hate ourselves for something or other, and sometimes we even feel as though we could kill ourselves for what we have done!
   So why do we go on? Because the village is the life that we lead, each and everyone of us. Everyone has their exists and entrances, some sooner rather than later, but life goes on for the many, because it must. Because the community must live and so must you, if only we can survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and come to terms with who we are, and what we do. You can try to escape, to change your life, to run away and live the life of a tramp, hermit, or monk. But you cannot run away from yourself, of who you are. That is the village of the mind, and you carry it around with you always, till death do you part.

Be seeing you

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