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Saturday 8 December 2012

Tonight On The Video Channel

    Poor No.73, brought to the Village because they couldn't find her husband, who has some work to finish somewhere over there {presumably behind the Iron Curtain}. No.73 has tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists, she's not been happy in the Village. And it is a sadistic No.2 who drives No.73 tofinally commit suicide by jumping out of the hospital window, after he had destroyed 73's moral belief in her husband. No.6 has turned into an avenger. No.2 sees No.6 as an anvil and that he will hammer him. But do not hammers wear out faster than anvils?!
    Number 6 sets out to create a number of diversions, plans that are non-existent, playing on No.2's paranoia. No.2 trusts no-one, not even his assistant No.14, who only wants to help No.2. No.2's paranoia gets worse as he sees that everyone in the Village is against him, in conspiring against him! No.28 is removed from his position, and the Butler told to get out of the house, and cuts something of a sad figure as he departs the Green Dome with coat and suitcase in hand.
                                   SECURITY OF THE COMMUNITY
    There has been a call for an increase in vigilance from the new No.2. "We must constantly be on guard against enemies in our midst. Not only the conspirators, but those who look the other way and do not report their suspicions would be treated as traitors. Be vigilant or the consequences will be severe. No other warning will be given" said No.2.

   No.2 sees No.6 as a plant, sent to the Village by their masters to spy on him. No.14 wants only to "dust No.6 down" he'd really enjoy that. Six records are listened to for a non-extantent message. Blank sheets of paper are tested for whatever is written on them, words, figures...... fake messages are sent to non-existant people by coded message and heliograph.
   Any chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, and the same goes for the chain of command. No.2 is that weak link, just waiting to be broken! And so he is forced to report himself to No.1 as being a breakdown in control. This might have been an opportunity for No.6 to talk to No.1 himself! But this episode is never one about who No.1 is, it's not even about escape, but is a tale of revenge, a dish that is best served cold, so I'm told.

Be seeing you

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