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Tuesday 6 November 2012

The Therapy Zone

It's A Question Of Rejection
   No.6, so he says didn't accept, he rejected! He asked No.2 why he accepted? But what exactly was it that No.6 had rejected? His job, from which he had resigned? Well of course he had resigned, but from what? And what had caused this loyal man, who was once completely devoted to his work to resign? In my opinion, and it is only my opinion, that the Prisoner all begins with ‘Fall Out,’ and don't forget that ‘Once Upon A Time’ was originally a much earlier episode in the screening order. So that when during their deliberations during once Upon A time, it is quite possible that when No.6 says that he didn't accept, that he "rejected," No.6 could be talking about the offer of ultimate power offered to him during ‘Fall Out.’ Because if the Prisoner all began with ‘Fall Out,’ then ‘Once Upon A Time’ would follow sometime after ‘Fall Out!’ And it would make sense that what took place in that final episode made the Prisoner go and hand in his letter of resignation. What about the ex-No.2? Didn't he reject The Village, and said that he wouldn't be hypnotised by Number One anymore? Well I know, but I never said this theory was perfect!

The Village Shows The way

   The citizens of The Village enjoy a number of privileges, a credit card system which was far from being the world-wide phenomenon that it is today, and has been for many years. Back in the mid 1960's there was only the Diners Credit Card, and in order to use it as a Credit Card, you yourself had to put money on the card. Soon after the Prisoner Barclays brought out the Barclay Credit Card.
   Then there's the non-alcoholic drinks, "Gin, Whisky, Vodka, looks the same, tastes the same." Well the world first caught up with The Village with non-alcoholic beers, which didn't taste at all the same as alcoholic beers. Then there's non-alcoholic wines, well I just wonder, what with the question of "binge drinking" here in Great Britain, how much longer it will be before we catch up with The Village with it's non-alcoholic Gin, Whisky, Vodka!
    The Village is an international community, which I believe was the prediction of what at the time was the "Common Market," but which is now the international community of Europe today. The Village has one currency the "Work Unit," and some countries have adopted the European single currency of the "Euro."
    There's the cordless telephone used in The Village, which millions of people enjoy today.....the mobile phone, an irritation which many people can do without!
    The Village strips away ones individuality, ones identity. And for years we have been concerned with the theft of ones identity, which we are all keen to protect.
    The identity card is carried by every citizen in The Village, but no-one is asked to see anyone’s identity card, because they wear their numbered badge on their clothing. But that is no proof of anyone. No.6 wears the numbered badge of 54 as part of his disguise as a Village educational administrator in The General. Only once does anyone flash their identity card, and that was by No.2 to one of the security guards as no.2 went into the Generals office. So why is it that no-one in The Village asks to see any one opersons identity card? Here in the UK there was the idea of making everyone have an identity card, but it would not be imposed upon anyone to have to carry their identity card with them wherever they go. But I am happy to say that this identity card scheme has been dropped by the new coalition government.
   So the world has caught up with The Village, and has become the Global Village, in which the international language has become English, which is the international language in The Village.

The Village - Utopia Or Nightmare World?
   For some The Village seems to have been modelled on Utopia, a place where every need it catered for, and you hardly have to lift a finger. For others, the Prisoner's, it's a nightmare world, in which brainwashing, therapy, medical experimentation, and torture are everyday occurrences, for whom pain and degradation are daily familiarities. While for others, such as No.2 it offers power and control over others who are weaker then themselves. And in the case of doctors such as No.40 and No.22 The Village offers freedom, the freedom to carry out medical experiments on human patients, in an otherwise world where such experimentation would not be permitted on human beings.
   The Village is a place where most people are brought to, either abducted, or assigned, or recruited to. A minority come to The Village of their own free will, who then come to regret it afterwards, while others are born to The Village and know nothing of the outside world. But whatever the case, whatever the cause, the community must live and so must you. Anyone can soon get used to any given situation, given long enough, so that everything which happens in The Village becomes common place, and second nature. "Oh that poor No.56, suffocated by the Village Guardian," but who really cares? That sort of things goes on everyday, as does the Aversion Therapy sessions at the hospital. What do those care who spend their free time sunbathing on the beach, or swimming in the public lido, or playing beach ball.
   As for the senior citizens of The Village, well they are too old for escape. What care they for what takes place to others who have been brought to The Village. Senior Citizens who have given freely to the cause, the information inside their heads having been extracted, and now having survived the trials and tribulations are happy to simply live out the rest of their lives in quiet comfort of the Old People's Home.

Be seeing you

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