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Saturday 3 November 2012

Tonight On The Video Channel

  It has always been my opinon that No.24-Alison, did No.6 a huge favour by knocking over that soda shypon thereby bruising his fingernail, something which 'they' missed, and quite forgotten by No.6. In fact that bruised fingernail would, in itslf have been enough to prove that No.6 is No.6. Unless of course No.12-Curtis also had a bruised fingernail, which I very much doubt.
   As for that polaroid picture, well that was the evidence which should not have disproved who No.6 is, but to prove his identity. Well No.6 in the picture is wearing a dark piped jacket, whereas No.6-Curtis is wearing a cream blazer with piping! I really do wish that McGoohan had kept with the original script, to have both No.6's wearingt he same identical blazer. He had it changed because he thought to have both No.6's wearing identical blazers, would have been too confusing for the television viewer of the day. I think McGoohan thought too much of himself, thinking that he knew what the television viewer would think. He should have left the television viewer to decide for themselves, as he would with 'Fall Out!' Anyway McGoohan wasn't that clever. He changed the blazer, but not the script!

Be Seeing you

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