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Friday 7 December 2012

At The Arts Seminar

   There is obviously more about the village, than the extraction or protection of information of its citizens. There has been the Arts & Crafts exhibition, the Village Festival, and now we have an artist here in the village, Madam Professor, we are lucky to have "Art Seminars" held in the garden of the Professors home.
     So having an inquisitive nature, as well as a journalistic nose, I took myself off to the latest "Art Seminar."
   Indeed there was a wide selection of citizens painting, drawing, sketching, reading, and that includes No.6, which appeared to me to be a bit odd. Madam Professor busied herself flitting from student to student, giving both help and advice where required. I asked madam Professor what the seminar was all about.
    "That man there, what do you think he's doing?" I looked across the garden to a man sitting in a chair, he was busy tearing the pages out of a book, "Tearing up a book" I replied. "You might think that" Madam Professor replied. "Well that's what he's doing, what would you call it?" "He's creating a fresh concept" Madam Professor replied "Construction arises out of the ashes of destruction." "Does it?" I asked. "You obviously don't agree...." I looked about the seminar "Well what about here, what's she doing?" "Who?" Madam Professor asked turning round "The woman over there standing on her head." "Oh, she's developing a new perspective." "Is she?" "Yes." "If you say so. Well what about him?" I said pointing the the man asleep in a chair. "He's asleep. The mind learns only when it wants to" was Madam Professor's response. "Does your husband believe that?" "Its self-evident surely. What's your subject?" "I don't have one, I'm a journalist" I told her. "Well what are you looking for?" she asked. "As a journalist - the truth. As myself, I'm looking for what we are all looking for. "And what might that be?" I looked over towards a man busy sketching "Ask that gentleman, he thinks he has all the answers. You just might find him interesting." Madam look at the man busy sketching "Why, who is he?" "Number Six" I told her.
   All told I found it easy to leave the art seminar, and easy to see how Madam Professor can see one thing, where the rest of us see something else. I suppose its all a matter of interpretation. Yet the citizens here in the village, do not go short of culture, and those with an artistic bent can put it to good use, which in turn helps keep the good citizens of this community amused and out of trouble. Sadly that cannot be said of Number Six!

Be seeing you

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