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Friday 2 November 2012


      Last night I attended a performance of Paul Gloslings play Magic Number 6.
    It is a quite remarkable and original play. Well written, well directed, and the actors took to their roles with ease, in view of the difficult subject of the play. I was impressed, but then knowing 'the Prisoner' as I do, and some of what took place between Patrick McGoohan and Lew Grade prior to the production of 'the Prisoner' series, so I was able to appreciate the play better than most in the audience, along with a number of in-jokes. Although the play was well appreciated by the entire audience.
    I enjoyed the play very much, finding it entertaining, funny, and absorbing. The acting of Rob Leeson {Patrick McGoohan}, Colin Woods {Lew Grade}, and Karen Gordon {a fictional Personnal Assistant to Lew Grade} was quite excellent, holding my attention throughout. And never once did I observe the actors "drying up" thereby there was never a need for a prompt from the wings.
     Writing purely as a fan of 'the Prisoner,' MAGIC NUMBER 6 is a must see play, which I can thoroughly recommend. Last night was the second performance, and anyone reading this blog who has the intention of seeing the play on either of the next two eveings, is in for a real treat.
     My heartiest congratulations go to author Paul Gosling, Director Carloso Dandido, as well as the cast. And I wish them every success for the further two performances yet to come, after which I shall feel free to post pictures taken at a dress rehearsal of MAGIC NUMBER 6.
             {Karen Gordon, myself, Rob Leeson, and Colin Woods
                                                                     on dress rehearsal night}

I'll be seeing you


  1. Congratulations too, to all those involved, David! What are the chances we over here might get to see the play? Only little I'd guess. If perhaps a filmed version would be available please tell us! - BCNU!

  2. Hello David,
    Yes - I agree with the previous comment that it would be good to have the play on dvd.I was really hoping we could drive up to Leicester tomorrow evening to watch the play but alas we cannot change our other commitments.....

  3. Hello Arno and Anna,

    Thank you for your comments, I shall pass them on to Paul Gosling as I'm sure he will be very interested and encouraged by them, if he has not already read them here first of course.

    It is a pity you could not attend a performance of the play. Although if Thursday evenings performance is anything to go by, the four performances of the play would make them a complete sell-out. And "The Studio" of The Little Theatre in Leicester is very small, and seats 50 people only.
    I would guess that being able to see the play in Germany would be very slight indeed. However I do know that Paul Gosling made a video of a dress rehearsal of the play, perhaps he might decide to do something with that, I don't know.
    For myself, I do have pictures of the play taken during a dress rehearsal, along with some short video clips. Both of which I shall post on my blog after tonights performance. I have not done so as yet, because I know of at least one person who reads my blog will be attending tonights final performance of MAGIC NUMBER 6 at the Theatre. Also The Tally Ho is published, containing an article and pictures of the play. I just need time to put the newsletter together, and will be posted to readers early next week.

    Very kind regards to you both
    Be seeing you
