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Saturday 3 November 2012

The Therapy Zone

The Professors Lecture
   They once said that’ the Prisoner’ is all in the mind, and I questioned that theory, because I could not see how such a thing was possible, that is until I sat and watched THEPRIS6NER. Now I can see the idea behind the "all in the mind" theory, because that is what the reinterpretation of the original series is.
   But as you know I have a special interest in education, and it would seem that No.2 was right, that apart from teaching history to the students, that The Village would be writing it's own history, and so has proved to be the case. In the episode Anvil, Six is put to work by Two as an Undercover, and takes up the role of a teacher and learns something of Village history. But surely someone has been making it all up - Lady Two the Great indeed. That's worse than the first woman Two being Two-14! I mean if the pupils are to learn about Village history then they should know that Rachel Herbert was the first female Number Two, and seeing as how there has never been a Number One, well that can only confirm that Curtis of ‘The Schizoid Man’ didn't die at all, but went on to play his final part as Number One, so that "they" could face Number Six with himself!
The Professor

   I is interesting to note that ‘The schizoid Man’ is not all about escape, although No.6 does attempt to escape at the end, it is about survival of the individual as No.6 fights to maintain his identity, his dignity, and self. They village authorities may have stripped the Prisoner of his name and previous identity and have given him a number, but that number is all the identity the prisoner has, and he's desperate not to lose it. To prove that he is No.6, and that the other chap is the economy pack!
    In The Schizoid Man we learn the name of the village guardian, that of "Rover, and that "it", whatever "it" is, is far from being infallible. As it turns and kills Curtis, believing him to be No.6 making a run for it! "No.6 is dead, Rover got him!" This is the only episode in which the name "Rover" is used.
    In The Schizoid Man Number Six is tripped up by a method that he himself used to trip up his adversaries in A B & C. In this episode he is found out because he didn't know that Curtis's wife had died a year ago. It is pesonal data that unmasks his imposture. In A B & C Number Six trips up the authorities, namely No.2 and the doctor-No.14 when they impersonate a woman known to Number Six. Number Six asks "What is your sons name?" It is a question they cannot answer, "they" didn't even know 'B' has a son, and that reveals the hoax!

Eacuatate! Evacuate! Evacuate!
  And so it was, that The Village was evacuated in Fall Out. The order given by the President, a former No.2, and not by No.1. Here three former citizens are seen returning to their former existence.
  The former No.48, left to thumb a lift in whatever direction takes his fancy. You see it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey one takes getting there that counts.
  A former No.2 returns to his former life and to the Houses of Parliament.
  As for the Prisoner, well he returns to his former existence, whatever that might be. But every indication is that it's The Village!
   But what about all those others who were evacuated from The Village, what of them? I mean for those born of The Village, those citizens who have known nothing but The Village, there can be no normal existence in the world outside, a world they have never known. And so in having evacuated the Village, with so many people free, the truth and existence of The Village must surely be revealed!

Be seeing you

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