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Sunday 4 November 2012

Pictorial MAGIC NUMBER 6

   After the final performance of Paul Gosling's play MAGIC NUMBER 6 at the Little Theatre in Leicester last night, I feel free now to post a number of photographs which I took during a dress rehearsal of the play. Also there three short video clips, taken via a small pocket camera, and therefore might not be the quality they would ordinarily be. However they are what they are, and I make no apologies for that.

             {Karen Gordon PA - Rob Leeson Patrick McGoohan - Colin Woods Lew Grade}
Video clip

As they seeing you


  1. Hello David,

    Thank you for posting the pictures and video clips.I found them really interesting and they give a flavour of the play,which,as far as I can tell,seems to be excellent in both content and acting.I do hope Paul Gosling will produce a dvd.....


    1. Hello Anna,

      The play was indeed excellent in both content and acting. What's more I have passed on your comments to Paul Gosling, and there was a reply email waiting for me in my inbox this morning.
      Paul has yet to review his video footage of the play, and if he can edit something decent from the various takes, then he is going to make it freely available on his YouTube channel. He hopes to have the play performed on a couple of more occasions, and hopes to film it again, but Paul has much to talk about and sort out first. Paul said he would keep me posted, and I to you. More than that I cannot do.

      Kind regards
