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Sunday 4 November 2012


  Last night my wife and I watched 'The Schizoid Man,' and afterwards I had a few thoughts about the episode.
    If they had to change one of the blazers so to make it easier for the television viewer of the day to understand, might it not have worked better if No.6 {the real No.6} had been wearing the cream blazer, and Cutis-No.12 the black blazer? In that way when No.6-Curtis produces the Polaroid from the breast pocket of his blazer, he's wearing the right blazer as in the picture! Sorry Pat, but the scene as it stands just doesn't work for me.
    No.2 gave No.6 a password, because when they get started even he will not be able to tell them apart. No.2 is a blithering idiot! What, No.6 is the one wearing the black blazer, and No.6 the cream blazer! And even when No.6 gave the right password "Gemini" it was the wrong password, but that was wrong, because it was the right password, given to No.6 by No.2, so why was it wrong? Perhaps the two Guardians were expecting No.6-Curtis and the password "Schizoid Man."
    I have suggested in the past that No.1 might be Curtis, what if that works the other way around? That Curtis is Number 1? Getting some hands on experience perhaps. I mean how many dopplegangers of No.6 can there be in the world?
   "Number Six is dead, Rover got him!" How did No.6 know that the Village Guardian had killed No.6, I mean No.12, No.6 didn't check the body. And the Village Guardian doesn't always suffocate it's victims to death, but only into unconsciousness, as No.6 has had experience of. No.12 might very well have only been unconscious. And could have been revived, and the next time we see him is in 'Fall Out, eh No.1!

Be seeing you


  1. Number Two deliberately gave the real Number Six the wrong password ("Gemini"). Maybe Number Two should not have provided him with any password at all as it obviously confused viewers, such as yourself, who were as wrong-footed by the tactic as Number Six himself.

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Oh I'm not confused, I think it was the two Guardians who were confused! I'm sure that originally the password "Gemini" is the correct password for No.6 just as "Schizoid Man" is the correct password for No.6 {Curtis}, especially when originally both 6's were to have worn the same colour of blazer. He gave No.6 the password "Gemini" because No.2 said that when they get started even he won't be able to tell them apart. He wasn't too sure towards the end, that's why he put the test of Susan to Number 6, a test which Number 6 failed because he couldn't possibly have known that Susan had died a year ago!

