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Friday 2 November 2012

The Therapy Zone

Oh The Ignominy Of It All!
   Whatever No.6 had been put through since his abduction to the village, it cannot be as bad as what No.48 is going through at this time. If being restrained is not enough, this with the added danger of being shot at any moment, when No.48 is lowered into the pit - someone there puts a nozzle of a CO2 fire extinguisher up his trouser leg and pulls the trigger......That should bring tears to his eyes!
  {You can witness this for yourselves when you watch Fall Out, I mean what do you think that white vapour is?}

Finally Number 1
    Sir must have known who No.1 was all the time, because he didn't hang aroung long to find out!
   No.1 offered Sir his future, which Sir saw in the crystal ball. A future he rejected by allowing the crystal ball to slip from his hands and smash into a thousand splinters on the floor. This then is the act which later would instigate in the Prisoner's resignation back in London!

   This man is accused of biting the hand that feeds, when did he do that? He may feel and look a new man, but the last we saw of him he was doing his job, and more, he apparently put his life on the line! A revolutionary? Well yes but not until later, because if he was going to die, he would die with his own mind!

Go If You Wish
   Given the choice, sir didn't know whether or not to stay or go! And this is a man who couldn't escape the village quick enough!

Be seeing you

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