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Thursday 22 December 2011

Appreciation For The Prisoner

Newsletters – Magazines and Fanzines of Yesteryear
   Since the Fall Out of 1967 there have been those in need of Information, Information, Information about the Prisoner and 'by hook or by crook' they got it, because there were people out there prepared to provide such wanted information, and did it in a series of Newsletters, Magazines, Fanzines and Journals.
    Of course today any such needed information can easily be trawled off the Internet at the click of a mouse! Yet in the dark ages long before the age of the Internet such newsletter and magazines were the only way of gleaning such information in certain areas of the world;

Alert {1977-1981} Six of One
File #6 {1978} 1 Issue - San Francisco
The Green Dome {1980} 6 Issues - New York
The tally Ho {1979-1980} Approx 5 issues - Washington DC
Rover {1979 -1982} 18 Issues - Los Angeles
The Prisoner Newsletter {1979-1980} Approx 6 Issues - Midland MI
Prisoner Magazine {1983-1984} 3 issues - Six of One
Number 6 {1984-1193} 37 Issues - Six of One
In The Village {1993-2001} 32 Issues - Six of One
Le Rodeur {1987-    } approx 30 Issues - France
The Penny Farthing - Liverpool Group
Free For All - Shrewsbury Group, later Six of One
The Globe {1991-1993} 11 Issues - Six of one
Chimes {1989-1090} London and South East Local Group
Buckingham Place
{London and South east Local Group}
The Village Observer {1985-1988}- Portmeirion Location Reports
The Tally Ho {1983-1984}
Spokes {1979-1981}
Camera Obscura {1990-1995} 20 Issues - Birmingham Local Group
Well-Come {1985-1986}
Rotten Cabbages {Ontario - Canada}
Rover - Glasgow Local Group
Orbit 48 - Preston Local Group
All You Need Is Love - {1979}
The Manchester Guardian {1989-1092} 6 Issues - Manchester Local Group
Once Upon A Time {1978-    } South East Group, later stemming from America.
The Tally Ho {2006-    }

    Not only were such newsletters, magazines and Journals important for the information, much craved by Prisoner fans, which they contained, but also that one might find like minded people and gain contact through them in the exchange of ideas and theories. And of course they were the ideal place to get ones letters, articles and even Prisoner short story fiction published and read by other fans of the Prisoner.
    However almost all of the above listed newsletters and magazines, apologies if I have missed out any which you may have information of, have not endured the passage of time, lasting perhaps only a year or so, some not even that. Whilst other Magazines have endured for longer, going on to 32 and 37 issues.
    So what price both The Tally Ho and Jolly Roger newsletters which I produce, hard copies of course? Well only time will tell, because here they are being slowly developed on-line in MySpace {2006} never thought that one would happen, never saw it coming in fact!
    However as long as there are readers for The Tally Ho and Jolly Roger I shall keep producing them for the readership, and continue to give them what they want. Trawling the Internet is one thing and can reach a far wider readership. Yet somehow I personally feel that there isn't quite anything like getting your hands on printed paper, to hold and be able to turn over the pages of a hard copy newsletter over a cup of tea or coffee, that is the kind of pleasure and satisfaction which trawling the Internet cannot match. Yes the Internet has hundreds and hundreds of pages of information on the subject of the Prisoner, most of it excellent, some mediocre, other rubbish, but the only way to get your hands on them is to print them off.

   {Sadly The Jolly Roger did eventually sink without trace, it was a question of costs.}

Be seeing you


  1. @ the Internet has hundreds and hundreds of pages of information on the subject of the Prisoner, most of it excellent, some mediocre, other rubbish, but the only way to get your hands on them is to print them off. @

    How true that is. I have printed rubbish off the internet, and then watched as over the next year or two, that same web-page has become much less rubbish than it was when I printed it...... ;-D

    This can happen a lot on wiki pages. It's fashionable just now to trust the "wisdom of crowds". I'm not sure Number Six would approve of any of it...... :-D

  2. Hello Moor,

    You may very well be right about No.6. After all did tell No.2 that he resigned for "peace of mind. Because too many people know too much!"
    As for Wikipedea, it relies upon people adding information, and anyone looking for information on Wiki is expected to trust such information...I have learned not to trust too much in Wiki. Information is one thing Mis-information is another!

