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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Caught On Camera

   This is the day of a new arrival in the Village. A man whose lot in life , has been to wield a not inconsiderable power. Nay he has had the ear of Statesmen, Kings and Princes of many lands. Governments have been swayed, policies defined and revolutions nipped in the bud at a word from him in the right place and at a propitious is not so surprising therefore that the community such as the Village would have use for such a man. Not altogether then by accident that he should one day be abducted and wake up amongst them. What is deplorable, is that this man should ressit for so short a time, a fine tribute to their methods.
   So this man was originally just like No.6, a man who had been abducted to the Village, a Prisoner, who must have thought it was just like old times indeed, as he watched Nadia Rakovsky waking up in what she thought to be her own home, but found she was some place else.......yes, quite like old times indeed No.2. Because when No.2 said "Quite like Old times isn't is Number Six?" in The Chimes of Big Ben No.2 wasn't simply referring to No.6's expeience on the day of his arrival in the Village, but that of his own as well!     BCNU

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