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Tuesday 3 December 2013

Aversion Therapy by our own reporter

   Many citizens see this Aversion Therapy as being something quite wrong, possibly even making the extreme suggestion of brainwashing. Of course aversion therapy is use for many things, helping patients with their various phobias, fears, dislikes, and repugnance. And I should know, this kind of aversion therapy helped me get over my phobia of cheese, couldn't stand the stuff. Now I cannot get enough of Wensleydale!
    How it works is this, the patient is sat down, cut off from all external senses, with a blindfold fitted, and headphones worn. And it is through these headphones that a voice quietly speaks to the patient about their phobia for example. It takes several sessions, but by the time the patient has come through all the aversion therapy sessions, they are cured. Its as simply and harmless as that. After all it helped me, without any form of side effects at all.
   {Later that day in the General Store: What do you mean you've got no Wensleydale, why haven't you got any Wensleydale?........... Don't give me any of your excuses, what cheese have you got?........ What do you mean you haven't got any cheese.......... Look Its not my fault the helicopter broke down................ I want some cheese!...... Look I can't go a whole day without my cheese!...... Look you must have a morsal of cheese somewhere in this Emporium.................. I WANT SOME CHEESE........ OH GOD THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}

our own reporter
Photograph from the Department of Visual records

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