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Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Therapy Zone

What, No.6 hiding an envelope in the stone boat! An envelope containing blank sheets of paper, he must be mad! Mind you, the person who placed that seat in the main cabin of the stone boat must have been having a laugh. I mean have you been this cabin of the Stoneboat? You have to crouch down, as No.'s 2 and 14 are doing as it is. So how are you supposed to sit in a seat?
  And No.2, what exactly did he expect to find written on those blank sheets of paper? A report on the village perhaps, a report on him perhaps. I wonder if those two technicians in the laboratory heated those blank sheets of paper, testing them for lemon juice?

    It has been wondered what the purpose is, the reason is behind the episode ‘Dance of the Dead?’ I know it doesn't look as though there is one, but there is always a reason why they do things in the Village. One must remember that ‘Dance of the Dead’ was originally meant to be an early episode in the series, the second or third episode as it happens. So perhaps, like ‘Free For All,’ ‘Dance of the Dead’ was meant to be a softening up episode for the Prisoner!

    No.6 has always been rebellious since his arrival here in the village. He's asked questions, refused to settle down, failed to accept his number, and tried to escape on more than one occasion. But if there's one thing that can be relied upon with our friend No.6, it's dependability, and predictability. Because since when has No.6 taken to wearing a cream piped blazer with black piping? More than that, since when has No.6 taken to wearing his badge, a badge which he took off the lapel of his blazer upon being discharged from the hospital the day after his arrival here, and which he has flatly refused to wear, or respond to his number!!!!
    What's more when I asked No.6 for an interview he said call round to 6 private any time. Well, the last time anyone tried to interview No.6, No.113 had to write his own interview about him. Either No.6 has had a change of heart, or a change of mind, because he seems to be settling down quite nicely. He's not caused any trouble, not upset anyone, not tried to escape, and has completely stopped poking his nose in where it isn't wanted. In fact No.6 is turning into something of a model citizen, because gone is his rebellious nature! This is not like our No.6 at all, if indeed this is No.6. It's almost as if he's had a change of character, he seems too nice.

   The Colonel who is gratified at being seconded to the Village. What's more he mentions No.1 at the end. So certainly the Colonel is working for the village, although he doesn't look very happy to actually be there. The Colonel was once in the Guards, he wears the Guards tie as Sir Charles still wears his old Etonian tie!
   No.2, who probably suffered the second most disastrous result since No.2 witnessed the self-destruction of the General, together with the deaths of both the Professor and No.12 of administration! Only with this No.2 the Colonel died, and Doctor Jacob Seltzman actually escaped the village. As far as we know Doctor Seltzamn was the first ever to escape the village, before or since!
   Janet Portland fiancée to the Prisoner-No.6, who had no idea if he was alive or dead. Sent on a mission by her father Sir Charles Portland or not! Mind you she never once used his name, not even in his presence at her birthday party, which she took very well all things considered, her fiancé in another man's body!

Be seeing you

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