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Thursday 5 December 2013

The Therapy Zone

Zero Go Zero Go Zero Zero Go Go Go
   After being injured at the point of No.6's fencing foil, No.2 took to wearing his left arm in a sling, and so during the role play as a bomber pilot over Germany. Yet watch a few frames on, as No.2 bails out of his damaged aircraft, he is not wearing the sling!
   Looks like Continuity lady, for Prisoner, Doris Martin couldn't get it right again!
   But then again the question must be asked, is this actually Leo McKern and Patrick McGoohan?

I know Your Voice
   Well of course No.6 would know No.2's voice after he was telephoned by the latter at the outset of ‘Once Upon A Time.’ Especially as originally the episodes of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ and ‘Once Upon A Time’ were supposed to have been back to back episodes. It would have been quite remarkable if No.6 had forgotten so soon after their encounter in ‘The Chimes of Big Ben.’

At The Age Of 17 Olympic Bronze Medallist
   On the screen Nadia is swimming away from the village. In the control room No.2 is reading from No.8's file, and in a surprised tone "At the age of seventeen, Olympic bronze medallist." Why should No.2 say this if Nadia is on the side of the Village and the escape attempt is staged? Well obviously this is simply for the viewers benefit.

Its Inexplicable
   How at the outset of The Chimes of Big Ben we observe No.6 standing on the top of the Bandstand, and the next moment he's tucked up in bed!
   Well back in 1990 it was commented that the figure on the Bandstand, although it was described as a balcony, because the person who originally made the observation said No.6 was standing on the balcony of the Green Dome - well he wasn't! But getting back to the point, that the figure does appear to be No.6 - he's wearing a piped blazer - although the shot is on the screen for such a brief time, that even with the aid of "freeze frame" it is surely impossible to identify him with certainty. Well with the clarity of DVD, and the zoom-in button you can sure as hell identify the figure standing on top of the Bandstand now - as being that of No.6. Obviously this was stock footage used, because "they" thought no-one would notice. Well "they" got that wrong!

Chimes Out Of Tune
    It was once noted that having arrived in the Colonels office, the crate is opened, and No.6 and Nadia appear to be on opposite sides of the crate to which they were originally got in. Well obviously the crate was opened from the opposite side!
   More than that is the red lorry which was supposed to be carrying the crate with No.6 and Nadia sealed inside. Well the red lorry has no crate! You'd think if someone was going to film a lorry on the road, they'd actually put some sort of crate in it, wouldn't you, if only for reasons of continuity. After all they filmed the crate being put on a ship, and later aboard an aircraft!
   And if he’s so clever, why didn't No.6 pick up on the fact that Big Ben chimes twice in the space of 2 minutes and 45 seconds.

Be seeing you


  1. Perhaps the figure on the balcony is Curtis, or No.1

    In either case, having a morning stroll round the Village before too many people are awake!

    be seeing you

    1. Hello ZM72,
      Yes I have always thought that, Curtis or No.1 enjoying a morning stroll around the Village before too many people are up and about. Either way it's not possible that it's No.6!

      Very kind regards

    2. Hello ZM72,
      Add.....if it was Curtis wouldn't he be wearing a cream blazer?

