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Tuesday 29 December 2015

The Therapy Zone

    Why the need for anonymity? What I mean is, why the need for the white robes and black and white masks? They are not in the theatre, it’s not a meeting for the Ku Klux Klan. Is the need for the masks so that each of the delegates do not know who the others are? If so why? Each delegate is responsible for different aspects of society, our society, but why the need for such strong anonymity amongst themselves? The fact is that these are the faceless men who are supposed to run our society so wisely. These are the so termed men and women of officialdom! Well we know the identity of at least two delegates, one is the Supervisor-Number 26. The other the bearded Number 93. A man who was forced to declare himself to be disharmonious, and inadequate. Are these the attributes of a delegate of the Assembly? Is this Assembly the power behind The Village, or does it seep out further afield, into our one very society? There are two Villages, The Village where this assembly oversees everything to do with its running. Then there is The Village of Westminster, the political Village, which is much like the Assembly in The Village, in which people are responsible for varying section of society. In his former life Number 6 lived in the City of Westminster, he could have been a member of the political Village of Westminster. Certainly we witness a former Number 2 returning to the Houses of Parliament, which is at the very heart of The Village of Westminster. And remember it was his lot, in the past, to wield a not inconsiderable power. Nay he had the ears of Statesmen, Kings, and Princes of many lands. Governments had been swayed, politics defined, and revolutions nipped in the bud, at a word from him, in the right place, and at a propitious time, which is an indication that he had possible connections with the Foreign Office. And begs the question why wasn’t a place found for him on the assembly? None of which actually answers why the white robes and masks. Perhaps they are part of some fraternity, or Freemason-ship. Not that these fellow look like they are capable of doing good deeds for their fellow man. Mind you they did give the former Number 6 a pretty good compensation package. The key to his house, which was being prepared for him, and looked to have been purchased on his behalf. A passport valid for anywhere. Travellers cheques worth a million, and a leather drawstring purse full of petty cash.
   So why the anonymity? Is that directed against each other, if so why? After all they are all colleagues sitting on the assembly. Why shouldn’t they show their faces? But perhaps its all secret, no-one is to know who the others are for whatever secret cult reason! The truth of the matter is we simply do not know, nor are we likely to know. All we can do is interpret the situation and not only arrive at our conclusion, but also be content with it. Otherwise leave well alone and simply accept the fact that after almost fifty years after the event, if we don’t know the actual answer to something within ‘the Prisoner’ perhaps we never will.

Be seeing you


  1. It's nothing to do with anonymity. The idea is that they should all look identical.

  2. Hi David,
    Perhaps they are meant to represent "the people behind the scenes" in every aspect of our lives. There are always people that either have input or even CONTROL, but choose to remain "hidden"...whether the reason is philanthropic, don't want the publicity, or for a more sinister reason...WE perhaps never know.
    To me, the black and white represent the duality of life in general...there are good aspects and bad aspects of almost everything...and people have their good sides and bad sides...and show those sides to different people at different times depending on the circumstances and goals.
    We all to a certain degree "hide" behind a mask...we don't let many people get to really KNOW us down deeply. Once the mask is on, we are able to blend in with the crowd, we are somewhat free to do things that we might NOT do if we could be identified also.

    Hence, a reactionary might become more conservative or liberal...etc.

    Also, a mask hides emotion from the viewer...we can't pick up facial clues as to what a person is thinking when they wear a mask. It's more impersonal and keeps a barrier between people.

    I find it interesting that in this episode, after all the drugs, beatings and mind control exercises to get the Prisoner to TALK...
    When he does try to TALK...they drown him out with their shouts of I,I,I,I,I,I, until he realizes that they are not listening. I think that this is meant to illustrate that one person can be ignored and shouted down by the masses. It doesn't mean that what that person has to say is unimportant...but sometimes the masses just don't want to hear it!

    Many people are uncomfortable with change, of any kind...and will resist even though it might be better for them. But other folks just follow along with the crowd without asking questions and looking for themselves to see what is really going on.

    McGoohan talked about progress being too fast, and it's not slowed down any in the 50 years since he made The Prisoner.
    Most people drive blindly along, refusing to put down their cell phones, even though many are being killed in auto accidents. Life in general is like that too...slow down folks...who knows what you'll see!


    1. Hello Karen,
      “Perhaps they are meant to represent "the people behind the scenes" in every aspect of our lives. There are always people that either have input or even CONTROL, but choose to remain "hidden"...whether the reason is philanthropic, don't want the publicity, or for a more sinister reason...” Yes I agree, those faceless men who govern us so wisely!

      “To me, the black and white represent the duality of life in general...there are good aspects and bad aspects of almost everything...and people have their good sides and bad sides...and show those sides to different people at different times depending on the circumstances and goals.” That is an excellent way of putting it. Black and white masks like the jackets of The Schizoid Man, suggesting we have two selves, the good and evil. Good is weaker without the evil nature in man. evil has to make all the difficult or bad decisions, while good tempers evil to balance things out.

      That’s right. They wanted Number 6 to talk as he has something important to say , but when he gets the chance they don’t want to listen! Or perhaps in the shouting down of Number 6, it provided Patrick McGoohan with the excuse of not only having not to make a speech, but not having to write it in the first place. After all McGoohan charged Kenneth Griffiths with the task of writing the President’s speech.

      Be seeing you
