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Tuesday 5 June 2012


    I have known a certain number of fans of 'the Prisoner' who expressed the desire to be taken to the Village. I rather think this was a tongue-in-cheek remark, because why should they desire that? Unless their own lives are so poor, that the Village makes an attractive alternative. But I expect they think they would be treated like Number 6, given certain privilages in return for certain information. Well it wouldn't work like that. Number 6 was important to the Village Administration, he had information they wanted. And what makes an ordinary oerson think they are important enough to be taken to the Village in the first place?
   And then there are always the power seekers. people who cannot get power through their ordinary lives, so that if taken to the Village, they are the ones who would willingly talk, if they had anything to say in the exchange for a position of authority.
   But then the Village is a fictional place in a television series, there's no chance of anyone being taken there, unless of course it is to Portmeirion. But even so, I can see the attractiveness of the Village, with its almost holiday camp, sea-side resort atmosphere. Mind you if that's what you want, there's always Brighton a much safer aspect altogether.

Be seeing you

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