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Sunday 8 December 2013

Humiliating Defeat!

   I have often wondered which was the worst defeat for No.2 to have to face, for him to have to answer for. Take that episode of ‘The General,’ the General destroyed by a question put to it by No.6, which would be bad enough, But then there are two deaths, that of the Professor, and the administrative figure of no.12 who tried to save the life of the Professor, who both are electrocuted to death by the General!
   ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling” is also a pretty awful defeat for No.2, what with the death of the Colonel, and the escape of Professor Seltzman.
   Then Living In Harmony in which No.8 strangles No.22 to death with his bare hands, and then commits suicide by throwing himself off the balcony in the Silver Dollar Saloon. But really there is no evidence to prove that No.22 was actually strangled to death, because as No.6 knelt at her side No.22 was able to speak, she said "I wish it had been real," so No.22 was alive when No.6 arrived on the scene. Had No.22 been strangled by No.8 she would have been unable to speak. I mean No.22 was either strangled to death, or she wasn't, there is no two ways about it.
    So without doubt the murder of No.22 at the hands of No.8 and his eventual suicide is bad enough, . However, I should say that ‘The General,’ with the loss of the General, together with the two deaths of the Professor and administrator No.12 is the worst defeat for No.2, a defeat he would ultimately have to pay for.

Be seeing you

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