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Sunday 8 December 2013

The Therapy Zone

    Why didn't No.6 take with him a "Map of Your Village" as to back up his photographic evidence, together with the copy of The Tally Ho newspaper, and his schoolboy navigational log?

A Sense Of Humour
    Even in the bleak episode that is ‘The Schizoid Man’ as Number 6 fights to maintain his identity, there are moments of humour. For example when Number 6 meets his doppelganger for the first time "Are you one of those double agents we hear so much about?" And again "Where'd they get you? A people's copying service?"  And prior to visiting Number 12 after he has regained "himself" Number 6 asserts "I think it's time we paid ourselves a call."
   Number 6 has a ready wit, and a dry sense of humour, and as we know "Humour is the very essence of a democratic society."

  Curious that the Supervisor-No.28 said that they shall need the body as evidence. What for? Proof that No.6 survived the ultimate test, or for his trial of ‘Fall Out,’ possibly for murder?......... Ah but then No.2 wasn't actually dead, was he.
    But in any case, myself I still think the Butler did it!

The Man Behind The Bars
   That is the opening four bars of ‘the Prisoner's’ theme music, which is exactly the same four bars as that of Scheherazade by Rimsky Korsakov.
   Now I have no idea if Patrick McGoohan borrowed those four bars for the theme music openly or unconsciously, but one day Pat McGoohan was whistling the tune he wanted, for the theme music, perhaps Scheherazade was in his mind at the time. But there it is, and I was minded of this just yesterday whilst listening to Scheherazade on Classic fm.

Nadia Rokovsky
    Nadia Rokovsky, or whoever she is, is just as believable, and as capable as John Drake, and just as deceptive.
   Nadia must surely have been briefed as to her mission and character, and prepared as to the community, and the village itself, being seconded the way she was. But no amount of preparation could prepare Nadia for her encounter with the white membranic Village Guardian. Because Rover does not distinguish between citizens of the village, and planted agents within that community.
   The encounter must have been quite terrifying, and then of course Nadia faced an interrogation session. But of course there was no danger of her being electrocuted by the current of electricity running through the floor of the interrogation room. Yet having said that there was more than a touch of urgency as he shouted the order "Switch off, switch off."   So the floor of the interrogation room really was electrified!
    Nadia, or whoever she was, had put her life in No.2's hands. A brave woman, for whichever side she was on!

Be seeing you

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