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Monday 3 March 2014

Caught On Camera!

   Number 6 took the time and trouble to build himself such a sea-going raft, when it was possible that there was an easier way. He could have looked for the jet boat, as used in 'Free For All,' or the speedboat in 'It's Your Funeral.' But then I suppose it was a question of fuel, the distance having to be travelled. And if the fuel ran out, or the engine breaks down, all Number 6 could hope for in such a scenario, would to be carried by the currents in a favourable direction. No, sail is a far better bet for Number 6. and yet there was the possibility of that. As on the beach in 'Checkmate' a sail boat can be seen on the beach!
   But no doubt all the boats used by Village personnel, were locked securely away. Hence Number 6 had no choice but to construct his sea-going raft.


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