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Friday 7 March 2014

That's Not The Password!

   A scene in ‘The Schizoid Man,’ calls for No.6 to give two burly Guardians a password, the password is Gemini, meaning twins of course. They would be 12 and 6. But Gemini’s not the password, well it is, because it was No.2 who gave No.6 the password in the first place! Perhaps No.2 simply forgot to inform anyone else about the password Gemini! So just who do those two Guardians think No.6 was? Because the password "Gemini" is right, No.6 is right and the two Guardians wrong if they presume that the man standing before them is No.12-Curtis. And that would have been right, had the production remained with the original idea of having both 6’s wearing identical dark blazers. In that case the password would be “Schizoid Man,” which still wouldn’t make “Gemini” the wrong password, or would it?

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    I think the password Gemini gold the guards hat they found No6. Maybe Curtis would have given them the password Schizoid Man. So there would be 2 right, identifying passwords. Gemini for the schizoid(ed) man and schizoid man for the gemini.
    Very Kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,
      That's very clever, I like it. I don't think anyone has come up with that one before.

      Very kind regards
