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Thursday 4 October 2012

  Here is a bus travelling along the desert road on it's way to The Village. Fair enough I suppose, but where has this bus travelled from in order to arrive in The Village as seen below.
   The bus is bringing "newcomers" to the Village, newcomers who are happy to see their new surroundings, excited, elated even to think of Two so soon after their arrival in The Village.
  And you will be pleased to observe that some people do still wear piped blazers or jackets in The modern day Village.
    So how do all these people actually arrive in The Village? Yes I know, they arrive on the bus, but where does the bus come from, yes I know The Village. So people get on the bus in The Village, are taken to The Village and have just arrived in The Village, which as one newcomer said "Isn't that the wildest thing!"
   People arrive in The Village unconsciously, and The Village is contained in the unconscious mind of Helen, the wife of Curtis. These are people who like, Michael in his other life, have been watched and made reports on, sending those reports up to the next floor in the Summakor building. The unconscious Helen is on the next floor. Does that mean that Helen has to read, or have read to her by Curtis, all those reports on hundreds upon hundreds of people who are to be taken to The Village? Or are we not supposed to think about it, but simply accept it? If I thought that, I'd be going against the original concept of the Prisoner created by Patrick McGoohan, and that is not to accept, or settle for things as they are, either experienced in life, or what you watch on the television, but to ask questions.


    If It's symbolism you're looking for in THEPRIS6NER, then you need look no further that these 'A'framed houses in the Village. They give conformity, and take away individuality, and reminds me of the 1962 song written by Malvine Reynolds and sung by Pete Seegers Little Boxes -"Little boxes on the hilside, little boxes made of ticky-tacky, little boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same. There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one and they're all made out of ticky-tacky........... Thing is, all these houses are pink and white, with a touch of blue, but they all do look the same!

    But looking at these 'A' framed houses, are they really so very different from the house you live in? Well of course it might be construction wise, but what I mean is, don't all the houses in your street, or housing estate, all look the same?
   With all this conformity and unity in the Village, I was surprised to see that in the episode Anvil how numbered houses are out of sequence. 909 for example, lives but a few doors away from 59, now that doesn't happen in your street does it?
    I'm still wondering what it is that Two wants from Six. In the original series we knew where we stood right from the outset. The Prisoner resigned his job, went home, was abducted to the Village where No.2 wanted to know the reason behind No.6's resignation. In this case we have Michael who resigns his job, wakes up somewhere in a desert, makes his way to the Village, and finally encounters Two, who even now, after three episodes, has yet to ask Six that immortal question "Why did you resign?" Mind you having said that, Lucy back in New York was doing an excellent job on that front, untill she was brought to the Village by Two and assigned to Six as his lover.  
    I am convinced that the Village has much to do with the hallucinagenic state of M2's sedated mind, M2 being the wife of Two who administers drugs to his wife, who he brings out of her sedated state when he feels the need to converse with her. So it strikes me that Two is just as much a prisoner as Six is, perhaps more so seeing as it is he who is keeping his wife in the state of mind she is in.
    And of course it was good to see the Village guardian keeping itself active in the mountains. But it has only just occured to me, that so much time and effort had been put into keeping this membranic "thing" as the Village guardian in this series by the producers, but no mention of this membranic "thing" has been made by anyone in the first three episodes. Not by it's name, if indeed "it" has a name, nor by remark such as "What the hell is that?" It would seem that the white membranic guardian is simply there and accepted by anyone "it" encounters, accepted unquestioningly even by Six!



  1. David, It's funny because in french when someone has a very hard time in his life we say that "il vit une traversée du désert" or literally "he is experimenting a crossing of the desert", which means having a long spell in the wilderness. So I see the crossing of the desert as a strong meaningful symbolic action, an initiation ordeal during which nr6 has experienced the pain of his failed life course that therefore opened his eyes on the difficulties and risks associated with running his own life all by himself. He tried to escape but there is no escape "There's no escape, because there nothing to escape from!" as you wrote somewhere (implying the acceptance to LIVE), so he consciously went to the village for going back to the desert means DEATH, in a figurative general sense.

    1. Hello Lou,

      I am very much obliged to you for your comment, and I thank you for it for the French phrase and it's meaning. I found your interepretation an extremely interesting one, as I hope other readers will. It is extremely deep, and demonstrates that THEPRIS6ONER-09 can generate such thinking. I can see that I shall have to delve a little deeper myself.

      Have a good weekend
      Very kind regards

    2. Hi David,
      It's a pity I cannot express myself better in english, I feel frustrated sometimes. Sure this series is puzzling, I cannot help it but to think about it, I'm naturally curious and there is nothing I like better than observe and understand people - it never bores me. I've watched the fourth episode yesterday evening ...
      Dark and rainy here today, a good time for introspection! ;-)
      Thank you for your kind words, have a good week end too!
      Kind regards

    3. Hi Caroline,

      For what it is worth, I feel you express yourself very well. What's more I am gratified that you find this series puzzling, and that you are naturally curious about it. Perhaps one day other fans of the original series will come to feel about the series as you, I, and others like us feel about it. At the moment we are very much in the minority as far as THEPRIS6NER goes.
      You are working your way through the series very well.

      Enjoy the rest of Sunday
      Very best wishes
      Be seeing you
