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Wednesday 3 October 2012


   Well it has to be said that I am well and truly captivated by this series, what's more I've recently had contact with other fans of the original series who are enjoying the reinterpretation, contact not through blog, emails but also old fashioned postal mail!
    As we are well aware, the Village logo or emblem is on most things in the Village, and during the episode of ‘Schizoid’ I observed that the Village logo makes up the whole 'eye chart' in the 313's examination Room at the Clinic. I mean how can a doctor check your eyesight using a chart made up not of letters of the alphabet, but of the Village logo that's inexplicable!
   It was a nice touch to have the Village logo on the base of Two's tea cup, because when Two lifted up the cup to drink from and I saw the logo, I was reminded of the scene from A Change of Mind, when No.6 poured the contents of his tea cup into the flower pot, and could see the pottery mark of Portmeirion on the base of the cup.
   Yes, this series has grown on me I have to say. At times it's been a bit of a trial with a couple of episodes, but a second viewing soon had me wanting more from THEPRIS6NER, and as they say "Be careful for what you wish for, you might get it," and as it happens as this series has progressed, I have 'got it!'. And now I can't wait for the final episode, which will be in just under two weeks time, a week this coming Saturday in fact. Oh I know I could so easily unseal that DVD box set sitting in the bookcase, but I want to do things the old fashioned way, as it was with the original series. there was no putting the Video in the recorder to watch the next episode back in 1967-68, no DVD box set of the series, or IPlayer on the World Wide Web to watch. So no, I'm doing it the old fashioned way, as in the days when you had to wait for something to come along on television, and I believe in those days things were much more appreciated than they are today.
   But for now, there's Schizoid’ to watch again, and I'll be doing that tomorrow evening. There are two or three cars which are in need of identification in this episode, not to mention reliving the important scenes again, important scenes which have contained clues to the meaning and origins of this series right from ‘Arrival.’

Be seeing you, and when I go to the pub I'll have a double!

   The opening sequence of the Prisoner we know so well. Upon reaching London, the Prisoner drives his car into an underground car park, stops at a barrier and collects a parking ticket from the ticket dispenser - gets out of his car and storms through a pair of doors marked "Way Out" and along a darkened corridor to an office somewhere, and in a rage the Prisoner shouts at the man sat behind a desk as he hands in his letter of resignation.
   Well the resignation sequence of THEPRIS6NER is not so different, but has simply been reinterpreted. Michael drives his car into an underground car park, stops at a barrier, swipes his Summakor access card, enters through a pair of doors marked "Way Out," and resigns his job! I wonder why for many fans of the original series, it's so difficult for them to see this similarity in THEPRIS6NER?
     Okay, Michael didn't rant and rave at someone, he didn't even hand in a letter of resignation - he spray paints the word "RESIGN" on a window for everyone to see. Well there's nothing wrong in that. We are all individuals, and we all have out own ways of how we would resign our job. McGoohan showed us one way, and Jim Caviezel showed us another.

Be seeing you - if I don't resign first that is!


  1. Hello David,

    the opening sequence of THEPRIS6NER is indeed quite interesting. For there are some nice injokes. Short sequences of skyscrapers just in a manner with the sequences of the Prisoner at his window when he passes out. And there are those images of computer text where you can read information about one of the editors..

    Kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,

      The opening sequence of THEPRIS6NR is more like that of the original series than many might first imagine. Reimaged I think they called it, especially when Micheal drives into the underground car park. And of course it is in the underground car park of the Summakor building that we see the yellow nosed Caterham/formerly the Lotus 7 in the background, another nod to the original series.

      Kind regards

  2. Imagine No. 6 with a spray can... - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Oh that's good, very good indeed Pricesless in fact, he, he, he, ha, ha, ha,.

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you
