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Tuesday 9 October 2012


   I observed in the television listings for ITV4 {2010} the channel which has also been screening the series at 9pm, but tonight the final episode is placed for screening at 11:40pm, that tells a story in the TV ratings!
    I have found the character of Two dark, dangerous, and to have a twisted mind, and somehow I don't think any amount of time in The Village would mend his mental attitude. Or is it that Two has been in The Village too long, and if he can make Six accept The Village, accept the position of the new Two, then Curtis and Helen can escape The Village for good, and that's how it all turned out to be in the end. Yet as to Two's character, Ian McKellen had this to say "In the original series, Two was running The Village. More than that, he was played by a different actor for each episode, but this time there's just me playing the part. Two appears to be in charge of The Village and he has the qualities of someone who might well be that. If you like The Village, you'd accept him as your leader and revere him, but if you don't like The Village, you'd think he is a monster. I personally don't think he's creepy at all."
    In the past, I have felt an affinity with Number Six. I have played the role of Number Six in re-enactments at Portmeirion many times in the past, I have become Number Six in order to play the character. I have been told by those who have watched and enjoyed my performances as Number Six, that I am Number Six. Well it's been a few years now since I have taken on that role, and the years have taken their toll on me, and I'm older now for a start. But somehow as I've been watching THEPRISONER I have found myself becoming more affiliated with the character of Two and not Six, but because of my age I could play the role of the old man 93! But why do I prefer Two to that of Six? Perhaps because Six is not as his predecessor, certainly Six is not as strong a character as his predecessor. Certainly Two has all the best lines.
    There are a couple of things about The Village, the viewer is there, yet we see little of real everyday life in The Village. Nor do we understand how people are brought subconsciously to The Village. I mean how is it done? People are watched, reports written about them, and then they are selected to be brought to The Village. I mean are the chosen taken to some Clinic in New York, experimented upon, and then in their subconscious brought to The Village by the use of drugs, just like Curtis's wife Helen?
  You see, "they" said that all the questions would be answered, well the basic questions were, yet I see there is still some meat on the bones to be picked over!

    Ian McKellen said of THEPRIS6NER that there are people there in The Village from the original series, I think he was simply talking about the old man, 93, who is the former No.6, or at the evry least a close representation. But in this photograph taken from the final episode of the series Checkmate, I think I've spotted another character from the original series.
   There he is, the man with the stick standing two people away from Six on his right, Seltzman, Doctor Jacob Seltzman, alive and well and living in The Village. And if not perhaps a close representation of Seltzman.
  But I also wonder what it is fans see in the original series, that they do not in THEPRIS6NER? It's not the same, there is no way that it could be. But there are those who see the original series as being of the mind, No.6 having a mental problem, that The Village is all in No.6's mind, created in his subconscious. Well so too is The Village all in the mind, the mind of Two's wife M2, but soon to be in the mind of 313, with Six hoping to build a better Village.
   Well I for one thoroughly enjoyed THEPRIS6NER, and one day soon I'll watching the series again. And what's more the DVD box set of the series is terrific. But for now, and later in the week, Wednesday in fact, I'll be watching ‘Checkmate’ again, as has been my rule for the previous five episodes. The only problem with ‘Checkmate’ is, that it’s only 45 minutes in length!

Death...............there seems to be an awful lot of death in the final episode of THEPRIS6NER, and throughout the series. But I want to go back to the beginning and the death of the "old man" 93. You will recall how when Six made a search of 93's apartment, that he found a rolled up sketch in an empty wine bottle, the sketching being of St. Stephen's Tower, and not Big Ben as many believe it to be, of the Houses of Parliament in London. This sketch showed that 93 was a dreamer, that he had a previous life in the "other place," that place it seems was London, is London. Yet.............and please bear with me on this................93 was the former Number Six, so are we to presume that Number Six did actually escape that Italianate Village, known as The Village, and who went on living in London? What if Number Six had not escaped The Village, but that at the end of Fall Out the series began all over again? That would mean 93..................I shall use that number for arguments sake.........would have had a sketch of the Villages Bell Tower, surely.

   And this is just an observation you understand, but when it comes to death in THEPRIS6NER, there is one person who had a Village death, at the exact same moment as 4-15 threw herself into one of those holes, Lucy died as Michael's apartment in New York was blown up.

   And if as 93 told the Prisoner in that cave, "Tell them that I got out," meaning that 93 had escaped............having returned to his other life" in that "other place," whether in London, or the Village, then 455 would not be far behind 455 found escape to the "other place" in the explosion of the Solar Cafe.
    You will no doubt recall how 147's daughter 822 who suffered a Village death when she rode her tricycle into one of those holes in The Village, 822 returned to the "other place" where her father, as long as he keeps making progress will one day, see his daughter again. Yet back in The Village 822's mother had lost her daughter to the "Other place." In THEPRIS6NER, death is a very complicated matter!
   Death after all was an excape in the original series!


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