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Monday 3 March 2014

A Favourite Moment In The Prisoner

    On the morning of his arrival in the Village, the Prisoner tries to make a telephone call. But when the operator asks what is his number, the Prisoner tells the operator that he hasn't got a number. So, no number, no call! But is that because the Prisoner has not yet been issued with a number, or because he has no number to call from? Because in the days before direct dialling the caller would tell the operator the number he wanted to call, and then the operator would ask the caller what his number was.... the number of the telephone he is calling from. But there is no number on the telephone, you will observe that the Prisoner looks at the telephone hand set, and of course at this point the Prisoner doesn't know that citizens are known only by their number.

Be seeing you


  1. I don't know the English words but when they first meet No. 2 says he always finds it funny seeing new residents looking how to get along in the Village. Likewise, the telephone "booth" to me appears to be of the makeshift kind. They would let him try to make a phone call but to no avail. So, one could conclude everything was prepared for the arrival of No. 6. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      I like the look of the telephone booth, I had never thought of it as having a "makeshift" look about it. As for Number 6 not being allowed to make a telephone call, he could have made a call, but the trouble was, he didn't have a number when the telephone operator asked for one. As for the telephone booth, it's not just there for the Prisoner's benefit, as we see it again in 'Checkmate' when the Rook steals the telephone from the booth.
      Mmmm, No.2 says "He always finds it funny seeing new residents looking how to get along in the Village." I wonder if that's specific to the German "NUMMER SIX" ? I don't recall anything like that with the first No.2

      Very kind regards

  2. Well, that's true, the other telephone in "Checkmate". It was just like in the Village anything can happen, they're capable of doing anything. So, why not put a phone booth under the arch, to be sure, it's keeping in style with the Village's appearance. Because when No. 6 is awake the first he'll be doing is to call the outside world?

    And yes, although I can't prove it right away, the German line goes according to that! I need to check what No. 2 says in the original. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Yes, that's very true. And its not only the question of why not put a telephone booth under an arch, because its not even the same arch! When the waitress tells the Prisoner that there's a phone box around the corner, the telephone booth is under the yellow Triumphal arch. It's even there after the Prisoner has tried to make his telephone call and walks away. But during that attempted telephone call, the booth is under a different arch...the one in the wall leading through into the central Piazza and Gloriette! As you say, anything can happen in the Village!

      Very best regards
