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Tuesday 16 February 2016

The Enemy Within!

    “You must be new here. In time most of us join the enemy against ourselves, as Number 14 explains to Number 6 in ‘Checkmate.’
   Join the enemy against ourselves? Is that despite ourselves, or to do with Number 1? It’s quite possible that Number 6 is not the only one struggling against Number 1, and not his Number 1, but one personal to each and everyone of us. The struggle within ourselves, one which not everyone can win. Cobb lost that struggle, and went off to meet his new master. Number 2 of ‘Chimes’ and ‘Once Upon A Time,’ finally admitted that what was so deplorable, was that he resisted for so short a time.
   Number 6 has revolted. Resisted. Fought, Held fast. Maintained. Destroyed resistance. Overcome coercion. The right to be person. Someone individual. And there he sat in the chair of honour, on the throne it might be said. A man of steel, who had successfully vindicated the right of the individual to be individual, against himself. And as far as anyone can say, Number 6 was the first to do so. And in all probability his like would never be seen again!

Be seeing you


  1. Mr McGoohan was quoted several times as saying that our own worst enemy is this idea is completely in agreement with the series star and main influence. Those of us who see religious aspects in the Prisoner see the struggle against our Adamic sin nature..which is a prison for oneself all of our days..until we leave this prison of life on earth.

    1. Hello Karen,
      Thank you for taking time to comment. Indeed Pat Mcgoohan was indeed quoted as you say, but thinking back almost 50 years as I watched the series as a tweleve year old, I had no idea that that is was the main influence. Certainly not before the advent of 'Fall out.' In fact it would be well over a decade before I learned that. Number 6 being responsible for his own incarceration in The Village, {being his own worst enemy} after all up until 'Fall Out' there had been no indication of that, and Number 1 could be anyone or anything!
      Regarding religion in 'the Prisoner,' I'm not religeous, so I'm hardly in a position to comment upon that.

      Very kind regards

  2. Hi David . .
    Another aspect of The Prisoner is that collectively it is illustrating a lot of the "prisons" man puts HIMSELF in.
    By blindly following like a sheep , we can be led into circumstances that cause us dire consequences .


    1. Hallo Karen,
      The citizens are sheep, and Number 6 a goat, and when a goat comes amongst them, things begin to happen! I learned that from the ‘Danger Man’ episode ‘Say it With Flowers.’

      Be seeing you

  3. Hi David . .

    Also...if we never question anything . .we can be led like cattle to slaughter.
    One has to recognize that there IS a problem , before one can work on solving it.

