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Sunday 8 May 2016

Caught On Camera!

   On the face of it, Number 2 finding out that he is actually ‘C,’ and therefore will have to bring himself to The Village, seems far worse than when Number 6 found out that he has been Number 1 all the time! This is another case of doppelling in The Village! 

Be seeing you


  1. One of the happiest moments for Number 6 is when he was able to manipulate his dreams and have a victory of a sort over Number 2. Great moment when he unmasked him and spun him around so that "they" can see!!
    Be Seeing you!

    1. Hallo Karen,
      Absolutely. But I always feel sorry for Number 2 at this point, because he made the mistake of underestimating Number 6!

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

  2. Hi David . . seems that some of the Number 2's had more reason to want to get Number 6 to talk about his resignation than others .
    However . ..this Number 2 DID get told that Number 6 was NOT selling in a way he DID get SOME information .
    He also found out that Number 6 had travel brochures...which of course the Village should have already know about since they should have gotten from Number 6's briefcase when they kidnapped him from his home.
    Also...Number 6 had his "breakdown" when he and Engadine were putting the keys into the door...which to me meant that he was so stressed that he physically collapsed at even the thought of selling out !
    I liked the "Dreamy Party" scene where he straightened the room by moving the mirror.
    I really enjoyed the music on The Prisoner too...I think it is one of the reasons that I have a wide range of music appreciation now.

    1. Hallo Karen,
      Yes that’s true, No.2 of ‘A B and C’ did get a little information out of Number 6, at least number 2 knew Number 6 wasn’t selling out. But then even having resigned from British Intelligence he was still extremely loyal!
      Ah! But those travel brochures were not those which the Prisoner packed in one of his suitcases during the opening sequence, they were two travel magazines!
      I think Number 6’s collapse during the third part of ‘A B and C’ was due more to the drug than the thought of his selling out. Number 6 collapsing came before Number 2 discovered the Prisoner wasn’t selling out!
      Yes that’s a nice scene when Number 6 straightens the party by straightening the mirror. During that “dreamy party,” have you observed the man in the background juggling with three oranges?

      Be seeing you

  3. Hi David . .
    I missed seeing the juggling man...will have to watch for him the next time I watch A,B and C !
    I still think my theory about Number 6's collapse is right though...because of the part of his dream it occurred in . .it shows him getting more upset..breathing harder and moving around more and more as they head towards the door with their identical keys.
    Also...the dose of the drug was much less than the other 2 times . ..and he only drank one swallow of the drugged water...the same amount as the drugged hot chocolate . he had a lot less of the drug than before . ...
    I know that Number 14 said that the effects could be cumulative . ..but I think it's what Number 6 was contemplating doing IN his dream that upset him to the point of collapse .
    After all..he has spent a lot of time telling them that he was NOT going to tell them anything . ..AND had already said that he didn't sell out TWICE in the first 2 dreams . goes against his basic moral and ethical beliefs to "sell out"
    Even if it IS just a dream that HE is using against the Village !

