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Friday 19 April 2013

Is No.2 Fit For Further Term? asks our own reporter

     That is one headline of the Tally Ho which appeared in two episodes, ‘A B and C’ and The Schizoid Man, but which actually only referred to one No.2, that of ‘A B and C,’ but could be asked of No.2 of ‘Hammer Into Anvil.’
       Increase Vigilance Call From New No.2
                                               Security of the Community

    This new No.2 hasn't been in the position for five minutes when he's calling for an increase in vigilance at all times in his concern for the security of the community which must be protected. Because of the Tally Ho article at the time, it appears that this new No.2 was paranoid about those he could trust right from the very beginning.
    "We must constantly be on guard against enemies in our midst" was No.2's declaration and stern warning against possible subversion. Although at the time this New No.2 stated that we don't necessarily know where our enemies are, or who they might be. He believes that there are those who will strike when our guard is down. We know that there are those who believe they can get away with their plots and conspiracies. They will learn a sharp lesson. Not only the conspirators, but those who look the other way and do not report their suspicions would be treated as traitors." And that would account for the fact that the shopkeeper of the General Store in Hammer Into Anvil was so quick to report the activities of No.6 in his emporium to No.2.
    Once No.6 had read the article of The Tally Ho at the time, he must have thought this No.2 was just ripe for the taking, and he was right. Conspiracies, unknown enemies, here in the village - well Jammers yes, but according to control they're harmless these days and so let ride their plots of mischief and escape.
    Why this new No.2 was so paranoid about security, plots and conspiracies so early on in his term of office is unknown. As is the reason why this man was seconded to the village in the first place.

Your own reporter
Photograph from The Deaprtment of visual records.

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