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Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Therapy Zone

Information And Observations
    We begin this time with the Penny Farthing bicycle, the real name of which, for those who do not know, is either the High Bicycle, or the Ordinary Bicycle.
    In the opening sequence of ‘Dance of the Dead’ we see a male No.2 sitting in the black global chair in No.2's office, when the episode has a female No.2. This is probably because originally Trevor Howard was to have played the role of No.2 in Dance of the Dead.
    A singular fact is it not, that the bank notes which No.6/the Colonel takes from the safe behind the television set in the Prisoner's study during ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’, are American Dollar bills and not £ sterling!
    Janet Portland must have been very sure of her fiancé, not only in her trust of this man who pertains to be her fiancé, then to give a complete stranger that very important receipt for those film transparencies which she had retained in her safe keeping.
    Mr.Carmicheal must have been one of Sir Charles Portland's men, after all it was Sir Charles and his colleagues who were trying to decipher the transparencies.
    The A1 doubled for the A20 in both episodes of Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling and Fall Out.
    There has often been some confusion over the years of Prisoner appreciation, as to whether or not it was the British trying to find Doctor Seltzman or the village, or that both are in fact one and the same. But as Doctor Seltzman says "Both sides want my reversal process. And that is an indication that both sides are in possession of the Seltzman machine!
    The Colonel was sent to the village by the highest authority. That high authority may or may not have been Sir Charles Portland, although somehow I don't think it was. The reason being, that when the Colonel meets with Sir Charles, Sir Charles Portland fails to recognise the Colonel! But if it was Sir Charles, then that means he has been lying all the time to his daughter Janet concerning the whereabouts of her fiance.
    What exactly has changed by the time of the episode ‘Fall Out?’ All of a sudden it seems to matter not one jot the reason why the Prisoner resigned. This matter which has been previously so important, so all consuming. But now with ‘Fall Out’ we find the Prisoner is "Free to go." Having been given the key to his house, passport valied for anywhere and travellers cheques-a million. And this simply on the grounds that he has vindicated the right of the individual to be individual!
    No.8-Nadia of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ is allowed to wear her own clothes, rather than the regular village attire.
    No.86 is very relaxed when in No.6's company during ‘A Change of Mind.’ And seems to be more feminine, wearing a dress rather than slacks.
    The scarf worn by No.2 is an old school scarf.
    More often than not No.2 has the Lava lamp effect upon his wall screen in his office. Possibly for its calming effect.
    No.6 has aggressive tendencies who later controls these through a regular work-out in his private gymnasium. No.2 of the episode ‘Checkmate’ controls his aggression through Karate!

No.6 stirs the pot!
    If there's one thing I cannot stand, girls who don't know how to make a descent cup of tea! A lesson, - said No.6 emptying the tea pot - rinse out, warm the pot always, rinse out. Now, - taking a spoon and tea caddy - one for me, one for thee, one for the pot, one for luck. Boiling water, switch off, let stand for one moment, oh er pour the milk for me would you please. Cup, saucer, get the sugar for me please, furthest cupboard, should be nice. It was George Orwell who wrote on making the perfect cup of tea.

Be seeing you

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