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Saturday 4 May 2013

Tonight On The Video Channel

    "Impersonating Two is an act of treason. In the event of a Two impersonator arising, you must seek him out and apprehend him. This man may look like Two, but you will know that he is not Two, because he is not Two. He may appear in the Village in a dishevelled state, which has resemblances to Two. He may claim to be Two, but he is not, and he must be treated as who he is, which is some one who is not Two. He is a danger to the Village."
                                                                       {Two - Schizoid}

    Tonight is it Schizoid, the penultimate episode in the 6 episode mini-series. We have Six, and two times Six who is going about the Village pretending to be Six. Two Times Six wants to kill Two, but this might just be Six struggling with the "Six inside," struggling against himself. Except that, Six can see two Times Six as a physical being.
    And then we have Two and Un-Two, and it is suggested that there are two Two's, Two and Un-Two. But it turns out that it's just Two impersonating himself as Un-Two!
   There is illicit smoking, when Un-Two smokes an "under the counter" cigarette with the Shopkeeper 37927, who is later arrested on the grounds of being a Two impersonator. 37927 is dragged off into the clinic wearing an old school scarf, suggestive of No.2 in the original series,. But since when in THEPRIS6NER does Two wear an old school scarf? Because he doesn't.
   Two pays homage to the former Village logo of the Penny Farthing bicycle in the "Go Inside" bar. The Shopkeeper 37927 is just as much the sneak as the Shopkeeper in 'Hammer Into Anvil,' straight on the telephone to the clinic/Two the moment he suspects something of his fellow Villagers!
    Six finally gains access to the Summakor twin towers. M2 finally gets to spend some time with her son 11-12 for whom the Village is not enough. 11-12 wants to know about the "other place," but M2 tells 11-12 that "Village is best for us." 11-12 wants to go the the "other place," but that's impossible. Only people who exist there, people who were brought to the Village can go to the "other place," but not people like 11-12 who were born in the Village.Simply because people like 11-12 born of the Village, do not physically exist!
   313 is a doctor who has her own problems. Like others of her kind, 313/Sarah, was brought to the Village to be made better. Sarah was abused as a child, and while in the Village 313 is free of the person she is, Sarah. It's no wonder 313 does not want to leave the Village, to go back to that "other place," to be Sarah again! And yet, even in the Village, Sarah begins to impinge on 313.
    The Village looks to be an idyllic place, a place where broken people are made better, mentally. But as people are brought to the Village, they still bring their problems with them!
   Schizoid is my third favourite episode, after Arrival and Anvil.

Kill Two
Be seeing you

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