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Thursday 4 April 2013

The Therapy Zone

Many Happy Returns
   Well I don't know if there is always to be many happy returns for the Prisoner. But one thing is clear, the Prisoner must always return to the village, even to be drawn back as he was in ‘Many Happy Returns.’ Because even when the Prisoner had successfully escaped the village, there is something inside him which cannot let the village go. There is a desire within the Prisoner to know the answers to certain questions, and I understand that. But to physically go and search for the location of the village, that was surely asking for trouble.
   It seems to me that no matter what the Prisoner does, no matter where he goes in the world, he will forever be drawn back to the village for as long as he lives.

It’s Your Funeral
  Is a curious title for an episode in which there is no funeral and nobody dies!
   Yet I suppose it is the threat that counts

Free for All
    In which the Prisoner is put to the test! Well the same can be said of the viewers who have watched, and become fans of the series. Because the Prisoner can certainly test fans who are trying to come to an understanding of the series..... don't you think?

Mind The Fall Out!
    There are those who would have it, and I only argued about this recently with a friend who sees the rocket in Fall Out as a "Doomsday" rocket set to destroy the world, which of course it doesn't.
   But as my friend argued, the village was destroyed! But was it? And if it was where is the evidence for this? All I see towards the end of Fall Out is the village being evacuated by whatever means available - Mini-Moke, helicopter, on foot, or by a Scammell Highwayman transporter, or indeed rocket - the evacuation of the village being carried out by the order of the President, and of course the launching of the rocket. There were no explosions, no destruction of buildings as far as I can see, and the only flames I saw were from the exhausts of the rocket as it blasted off from its underground silo of the cavern.
   I witnessed no destruction of the village, or am I missing something?

The Girl Who Was Death
    This maybe a fairy story featuring a deserted village, an escape by helicopter, an eventual escape by boat. An underground passage leading to an underground cavern, along with a rocket which No.6 sabotages.
    This fairy story features many of the ingredients which go to make up the whole Prisoner series. In Arrival No.6 attempts to escape the village by helicopter. In the episode Many Happy Returns No.6 wakes to find the village deserted! And in Fall Out we have an underground passageway leading to an underground cavern, and there's the rocket, which Sir launches in much the same way as he had sabotaged Professor Schnipps rocket in ‘The Girl Who Was Death.’
   So in telling a fairy story to any children who happened to be watching, including the readers here, No.6 was not only incorporating his past adventures in the village, but foretelling the future!

The Message Behind The Prisoner
   If indeed there is any kind of message is this. Not to simply accept things as they are, but to question, and to question those around you. Don't think as others would have you think. Don't react as others react, to be an individual as far as society will allow. Simply to be yourself. Don't be a sheep! Well that's how I read the message, and I do at all times, try to be myself, an individual, and a goat when times and situations call.

Be seeing you

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