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Saturday 6 April 2013

Thought For The Day

   In standing for election as the new No.2 in ‘Free For All’, I think No.6 saw as simply being an opportunity which he might be able to exploit in some way, well he might as well, seeing as he had nothing else to do!
    Yes, originally No.6 may very well have thought about bringing the system down from within, who can say with any precision what was in his mind at the time. But sadly that would never happen, as No.2 had been in control all the time.
    One other thought. I had always assumed, yes I know one should never assume anything where ‘the Prisoner’ is concerned, that No.2, even the Labour exchange Manager, knew all the time what No.6 would do if elected as the new No.2. Which would be to organise a mass breakout. But what if it was originally in the mind of No.6 to bring down the system from within if elected as the new No.2? So what better way to counter that, than by conditioning No.6's mind to the idea of organising a mass break out of the Village instead if elected, which he would be. In other words "they" didn't know what No.6 would do if he was elected, "they" were telling him what to do during that ‘Truth Test!’ Putting the idea of a mass breakout into No.6's mind through "Inception.”

Be seeing you

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