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Sunday 7 April 2013

What’s That No.6 Up To? our own reporter investigates

    Oh very good, very good indeed. One of No.2's little games I suppose? Because judging by appearances No.6 isn't in the Village at all, and at a time when he's supposed to be in ‘The Chimes of Big Ben!’
  Its seems to me that this is every bit as deceptive as that of the Colonel's office which was supposed to have been back in London you'll recall! Because this is supposed to be somewhere along the cliff top away from the village, but still with 'waiter service' as No.6 is brought a cup of coffee, or tea. And what's more, this brings into question just how far did Nadia swim 30 miles to the Polish boarder, she couldn't swim so far!
   So is this an example of the Villages ingenuity, a painted back drop on a huge sound stage, itself somewhere in a huge warehouse. Makes you wonder just what's outside that. I mean are they really anywhere near the Village at all, this No.6 and No.2, with Nadia pretending to be sunbathing on the beach!
   You are being tricked! The Village is a lie, and you the people have the right to know.......... the Village must be exposed for the illusion it is!

Our own reporter
Photograph by No.113b

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